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Are the Blood Moons a legitimate end times sign? About five years ago a Messianic rabbi in Tacoma, Washington, by the name of Mark Biltz, began to teach that the Second Coming of the Messiah would likely occur in the Fall of 2015. He based this prediction on the pattern of an astronomical phenomenon that he had discovered. His speculation was picked up immediately by the Bible prophecy sensationalists who specialize in playing around with such matters. The result was that Rabbi Biltz's theory became an Internet sensation. The basis of his theory — and not his conclusion — has now been given legitimacy by the publication of Pastor John Hagee's book,Four Blood Moons (Worthy Publishing, 2013). Red Flags But is the Mark Biltz's theory really legitimate? The first red flag of caution that must be considered is the source of the theory. Mark Biltz is not a mainstream Messianic rabbi. Instead, he is involved in what is called the Hebrew Roots Movement. This is an anti-Christian, Judaizing movement that has many of the characteristics of a cult. Its members have done everything they can to de-legitimize the teachings of the Apostle Paul. They consider him to be an anti-Semite because of his teaching that the Law of Moses was invalidated by the Cross. The second red flag is that Biltz is involved in date setting.Both Matthew 24:36 and Matthew 25:13 state that we cannot know the day or hour of the Lord's return. With regard to the parable of the wise and foolish virgins contained in Matthew 25:1-13, Biltz dismisses Jesus' warning in verse 13 that no one can know the day or hour of His return. He does this by arguing that it is directed at the foolish virgins, and not the wise ones. Yet, there is nothing in the parable to substantiate this conclusion. With regard to Jesus' similar statement in Matthew 24:36, Biltz tries to explain it away by saying it is a reference to the Feast of Trumpets because although there is a yearly date for this feast, no one knows for certain when it will actually begin because its beginning is dependent on the sighting of a new moon. Again, there is no justification in the context of this verse for such a bizarre interpretation. A third red flag is the fact that there is no way the Second Coming could occur in the Fall of 2015 because there are too many prophecies that must be fulfilled before the Lord's return. To name a few:
To his credit, John Hagee does not set a date for the Lord's return in his new book, Four Blood Moons. Instead, he simply takes Biltz's discovery and argues that it is an omen of a major development that will take place — a development that will most likely have a significant impact on the Jewish people.
Special Discussion of Blood Moons on TBN
Friday, November 1 | 9-11pm CST Join Dr. David Reagan, Pastor John Hagee, Bill Salus and other Bible prophecy experts as they discuss the Blood Moons on TBN!
Red Moons
So, what is this omen that Biltz and Hagee have in mind and which they refer to as "the four blood moons"? A "blood moon" is the name that has often been assigned to a complete lunar eclipse, which occurs when the earth comes between the sun and the moon, putting the moon into a complete shadow. Such a moon often (but not always) appears to be red in color because of the way light bends around the earth's atmosphere, scattering short wavelength light (green through violet) and leaving longer wavelength light (red, orange and yellow). It's why sunsets and sunrises generally are red. Complete or total lunar eclipses are relatively rare. During the 20th Century, there was a total of 229 lunar eclipses of all types, but only 81 of these were total eclipses (completely obscuring the moon in the earth's shadow). The rest were partial eclipses. In this century there will be 228 lunar eclipses of all types and 85 total eclipses. What is rarer is what is called a "tetrad." This is a series of four total lunar eclipses in a row over a two year period of time.Since the time of Christ there have been a total of 87 tetrads, including the last one that occurred in 2003-2004. In this century, we are scheduled to experience 8 tetrads, the most that can occur in a century's time (some centuries have had none at all).1 Even rarer is a phenomenon that Mark Biltz discovered. Of the 87 tetrads that have occurred since the time of Christ, only 7 have fallen on Jewish feast days. Those seven occurred in the following years: 162-163, 795-796, 842-843, 860-861, 1493-1494, 1949-1950 and 1967-1968.2 For an example of what is meant by a tetrad falling on Jewish feast days, consider the tetrad of 1967-1968:3
Biltz and Hagee both make much of the fact that the last three tetrads that fell on Jewish feast days occurred at times when significant events were happening among the Jewish people:
Notice that two of these tetrads followed the significant events. Only one (1967-1968) served as a partial precursor of the event. And notice that there was no significant event in Jewish history that was related to the first four tetrads that fell on Jewish feast days.
A Legitimate Omen? So, what about it? Is the tetrad of 2014-2015 the herald of some major event that will impact Israel in particular? It could well be. The Bible makes it clear that God speaks through signs of nature, including signs in the heavens. The very first chapter of the Bible affirms this fact: "Then God said, 'Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years...'" (Genesis 1:14). As for blood moons, the Bible refers to them several times. Some of the references only imply a blood moon when they speak of the moon being "darkened" (Isaiah 13:10, Joel 2:10, Joel 3:15, and Matthew 24:29). Others specifically mention a moon "turned to blood" (Joel 2:31 and Revelation 6:12). But the one thing all these verses have in common is that all of them refer to the Second Coming of the Messiah, and since that cannot occur in 2015, the tetrad of 2014-2015 — if it has any prophetic significance — cannot be a sign that the Messiah is going to return to earth at that time. It must have some other biblical significance, if any at all — as John Hagee argues. A Caution I think we should be very cautious about emphasizing signs like the Jewish feast tetrads. Such "signs" usually end up as prophetic embarrassments. Consider the mania that occurred in 1982 over the "Jupiter Effect." This line-up of the planets was supposed to cause giant earthquakes and tsunamis. The year came and passed with no such significant events. Since that time, we have had to deal with similar manias concerning the Hale-Bop Comet in 1997, the Y2K computer "crisis" of 2000, and the Mayan Calendar in 2012. We should focus instead on the precise end time prophecies of the Bible that have been precisely fulfilled in our day and time — clearly indicating that we are living in the season of the Lord's return. One other thing — the signs in the heavens mentioned in the Bible that will accompany the Lord's return may not be natural astronomical occurrences at all. Instead, they may prove to be supernatural in nature, provided by God to herald His Son's return. That's what I believe happened at the First Coming of the Messiah. I don't believe the "star" that guided the Wise Men to Bethlehem was, in fact, a star. The actual word translated star in the Greek text of Matthew 2:2, (aster) can mean "radiance." I believe this guiding radiance was the Shekinah Glory of God. How else could it have guided them and then stood still over Bethlehem? (Matthew 2:9). |
Thursday, 31 October 2013
Wednesday, 30 October 2013
Video: Walid Shoebat On Bible Prophecy And The Islamic Antichrist
4 Votes
Here is a good video of Walid Shoebat, particularly for those who haven’t yet been introduced to Bible prophecy from the perspective of an Islamic end-times paradigm …
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1 Thessalonians 5:19-21, “Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise prophecies. Test all things; hold fast what is good.”
Jerry McGlothlin, CleanTV President: “Hi, I’m Jerry McGlothlin, President of CleanTV. Our presenter, Walid Shoebat, is going to talk to you about the Bible, prophecy, things in a different way than you’ve ever heard them before. We’ve heard of people like Tim Lahaye and the Left Behind series and you tend to wonder, ‘How can 50 million copies of these books have been sold?’ … The interesting thing is most things in life don’t have 100% of truth with them, and a lot of these things we’ve heard before about the rapture, the tribulation, etc., there’s a lot of truth in it. But I challenge you to listen to what you’re about to hear and see if you’ve ever heard truth like this before. This fills in the gaps. I don’t know about you, but when I’ve heard about prophecy before in the past something was missing. And I think you’re [about] to see it right now. Walid Shoebat connects the dots. From an ancient biblical perspective he takes the old, the prophecies of old, the major beliefs of our fathers of faith and connects them with the current days … Listen and watch, and prayerfully consider if what you’re about to see and hear is true … “
Tuesday, 29 October 2013
Is America about to Get Fired as the Leader of the Free World?
The Pope, the Pen, and Peace
This month will likely go down as the worst ever for diplomatic relations between America and the rest of the international community. The Obama Administration has presided over an endless series of financial and intelligence missteps.
We started October with a deadlock over the federal budget, which made several nations nervous about the safety of holding dollar denominated securities. The Chinese, with $1.3 trillion of our debt, made the rare occasion of openly criticizing Washington D.C. for allowing the financial crisis to take place. Xinhua News Agency, China’s leading government-controlled news outlet, said the rest of the world should start to “de-Americanize” away from U.S. financial dominance:
“The world is still crawling its way out of an economic disaster thanks to the voracious Wall Street elites. Such alarming days when the destinies of others are in the hands of a hypocritical nation have to be terminated.”
Thanks to the standoff, President Obama was forced to cancel a trip to the APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation). What resulted was an incredibly embarrassing picture of all the world leaders standing on a stage at the meeting, and the U.S. only represented by John Kerry—who was forced to stand in the back row—and far off to the side. Beforehand, the person representing America was always front, and center.
Some of the worst diplomatic bad blood resulted from revelations that America has been spying on some of its closest friends. There is a general understanding that allies, spy on each other. What is unforgivable is allowing this information to get into the public. Four times last week we had nations calling our ambassadors and other representatives onto the carpet for invading the privacy of their citizens.
1. A French newspaper reported that the NSA had swept up 70.3 million French telephone records in a 30-day period. The French government issued a formal complaint and put the issue of personal data protection on the agenda of the European Union summit.
2. In Italy, major media outlets reported that a parliamentary committee was told the U.S. had intercepted phone calls, emails and text messages of Italians. Premier Enrico Letta raised the topic of spying during a meeting with the U.S. Secretary of State.
3. Germany was shocked to learn from data provided by NSA leaker, Edward Snowden, that the mobile phones of German Chancellor Angela Merkel had been a target of the U.S. government. Merkel called President Barack Obama to confront him on the matter, saying it would be “A serious breach of trust” if confirmed. The White House refused to admit it had been eavesdropping on Merkel’s calls, but promised it wouldn’t happen in the future.
4. In Mexico, it was made known that information NSA collected to fight drug traffickers was also used to spy on the emails of two Mexican presidents: Enrique Pena Nieto, the incumbent, and Felipe Calderon. The Mexican government called the targeting of the presidents, “unacceptable.” Pena Nieto has demanded an investigation.
The most troubling rift in U.S. diplomatic relations occurred with Saudi Arabia, and it had nothing to do with spying. The Saudis have come to the point where they are unhappy with the alliance between Washington and the kingdom.
Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the Saudi intelligence chief, told European diplomats that the United States had failed to act effectively against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He also said the kingdom was unhappy with Washington growing closer to Tehran, and its failure to back Saudi support for Bahrain when it crushed an anti-government revolt in 2011. Prince Bandar promised there would soon be a “major shift” in relations between the kingdom and the United States.
If it gets to the point where the Saudis decide to move away from the petrodollar monopoly, it will be disastrous for the U.S. economy. Over a trillion dollars worth of Middle East oil is transacted in US currency. A switch to a new system would collapse the dollar and cripple our standing on the world stage.
There can be little doubt that America is well on its way to being fired as the leader of the free world. The only wonderment in my mind is why has it taken this long for America to be given the boot.
America’s absence from Bible prophecy would seem to confirm that our dominance will continue to fade. Since the Antichrist is predicted to become the undisputed leader of all inhabitants on earth, our decline may indicate how close we are to the Tribulation hour.
“And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world” (Revelation 13:8).
“And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by [the means of] those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by the sword, and did live” (Revelation 13:14).
The Pope, the Pen, and Peace
Jorge Mario Bergoglio--Pope Francis, 266th pontiff of the Catholic Church--seems to be taking the world by storm, as they say. He is, of course, the 112th pope since twelfth-century Irish Bishop, St. Malachy, “prophesied” that the last pope would be number 112 from the time he made the “prophecies,” as we’ve all learned about by now.
Obviously, he hasn’t overtly taken the official name “Petrus Romanus,” Peter the Roman, as Malachy predicted would be the moniker of the final pope who would preside over the Catholic Church during an era of the greatest time of trouble in its history. Let’s think again briefly upon what Malachy said he foresaw. Malachy’s biographer, St. Bernard of Clairvaux, reported in Life of Saint Malachy that St. Malachy wrote briefly, in Latin, on each succeeding pope of the future, and then gave the document to Pope Innocent II, who had it placed in Vatican archives, where it remained for several centuries. It was rediscovered in 1590 and published.
Some scholars who have studied these predictions carefully claim that Malachy was remarkably accurate about succeeding popes right up through Pope Benedict XVI, who abdicated his papal throne in 2013. Others who have looked into these things have found that in most cases regarding the Malachy prophecies, the bishop’s predictions were too oblique, too veiled, or couched in esoteric description to be validated as having been fulfilled to any great extent. Our bottom line conclusion must be that, while most of Malachy’s “prophecies” about the popes are questionable as to absolute proof that the bishop was accurate in every case, there is little doubt that the 112th pope from the time he wrote the predictions is a strange pope to be sure.
The world at large literally loves the guy. His popularity really jumped on a global scale–and especially in the view of national and international mainstream media, when he implied that there might be many ways to God and Heaven, and declared that Christians must be more tolerant of things we don’t embrace or understand. At least, that was the gist of his statements.
The pope made it clear in a number of statements in various speaking forums that the Catholic Church and all of Christendom must cease condemning and excluding from God’s kingdom homosexuals and those who hold other religious views than those that are Jesus Christ-centered.
That sentiment, even among a growing number within so-called Christian churches, is a visceral part of all of humanism’s elite and their mouthpieces. The Christian Bible and its harsh, restrictive, “one way to God” is intolerant, bigoted, homophobic, and bordering on fundamentalist insanity that desires to bring the world to Armageddon. (The pope didn’t say that; I did, based upon the pontiff’s stance of recent days that has won him great accolades.)
America’s current president is perhaps the most recent of the global leaders to express this pope’s elevated standing in his opposition to biblical restrictions. Barack Obama said recently: "I have been hugely impressed with the pope's pronouncements." He described Pope Francis as "somebody who lives out the teachings of Christ [who, by the way, claimed He is the only Way to God, the Heavenly Father]. Incredible humility--incredible sense of empathy to the least of these, to the poor."
In his interview with the CNBC business news channel, Obama was asked about Francis' recent comment that the Catholic Church has become too "obsessed" with issues like gay rights and abortion. Obama said:"[Pope Francis is] somebody who is--I think first and foremost--thinking about how to embrace people as opposed to push them away; how to find what's good in them as opposed to condemn them…And that spirit, that sense of love and unity, seems to manifest itself in not just what he says, but also what he does. And, you know, for any religious leader, that's something--that's a quality I admire” (
Sure sounds good, doesn’t it? Unity–that’s the ticket for the coming Antichrist system. Unity means to embrace all belief systems as acceptable to God’s prescription for living on planet Earth, according to the globalists elite. This is the route to “peace.”
We are to embrace those religionists who behead women for having been raped. We are to accept as brothers those who murder anyone with whom they don’t agree.
Pope Francis met a week or so ago with Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas. He wasn’t prepared to give the Israeli prime minister an audience, however. Yet, he is pushing the peace process so Palestine can have its statehood on Israel’s tiny land mass.
The pope gave the Palestinian leader a special pen. He said when handing it to him, "Surely, you have a lot of things you have to sign."
Abbas responded, "I hope to sign a peace treaty with Israel with this pen."
My thought was, upon reading about the pope’s generosity, the first beast of Revelation chapter 13 will have a sidekick who will–like Mr. Big himself--push the peace that will be the covenant made with death and hell (Isaiah 28:15, 18).
Syria: ‘Religion Of Peace’ Rebels Reject Peace Talks As 115,000 Now Reported Dead, 50% Of Population In Poverty
4 Votes
War, death, pestilence, famine. Behold the destructive fruit of “Allah’s” religion …
Isaiah 48:22, “‘There is no peace,’ says the LORD, ‘for the wicked.’”
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The joint declaration by the 19 Islamist groups fighting to topple President Bashar Al-Assad cast further doubt on whether the long-delayed peace talks dubbed ‘Geneva 2′ will actually go ahead.
It comes as the UN-Arab League peace envoy to Syria, Lakhdar Brahimi, prepares to travel to Damascus on Monday, according to pro-regime newspaper Al-Watan.
‘We announce that the Geneva 2 conference is not, nor will it ever be our people’s choice or our revolution’s demand,’ the groups said in a statement read out by Suqur al-Sham brigade chief Ahmad Eissa al-Sheikh in a video posted online.
‘We consider it just another part of the conspiracy to throw our revolution off track and to abort it,’ said the statement, according to AFP.
The 19 rebel groups warned that anyone who went to such talks would be committing ‘treason, and … would have to answer for it before our courts.’
The statement comes weeks after dozens of major insurgent groups across Syria said the Western-backed opposition umbrella grouping, the Syrian National Coalition (SNC), had ‘failed.’
The Syrian National Council, a key group within the SNC, had said it would not attend proposed peace talks in Geneva and would quit the Coalition if it participated.
This group was later followed by nearly 70 rebels groups which declared that the SNC had failed and announced they no longer recognize the Western-backed group.” Read more.
UN: Syrian Civil War Deaths Reaches 115,000, Half Of Country Now Living In Poverty – “Syria’s war has destroyed livelihoods and collapsed the economy, leaving more than half the country’s population in poverty, according to a report commissioned by UN agencies this month. Some 115,000 people have been killed and millions displaced since the war broke out in 2011, and the report warned that the economic devastation wrought by the conflict could be felt for years to come.” Read more.
Flashback: Syria: Polio Cases Spark Alarm Over Rise Of Pestilences Including Flesh-Eating Parasites Due To War – “The World Health Organisation has recorded the first suspected outbreak of polio for 14 years in Syria, sparking renewed alarm at the collapse of health care caused by the country’s civil war. Doctors in Syria are also seeing a flare-up of typhoid, hepatitis, and the flesh-eating parasite, leishmaniasis, blamed partly on the inability to administer a proper vaccination programme and partly on poor living conditions …” Read more.
Food And Agriculture Organization: Civil War Pushes Syria To Famine – “The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has voiced serious concern over food availability in Syria, especially for vulnerable groups, as a result of the civil unrest in the country. The U.N. agency cited figures from the Syrian Central Bureau of Statistics that show inflation rose by about 15 percent during June-December last year, driven mainly by sharp increases in food prices and fuel shortages that have had an impact on transportation costs.” Read more.
Monday, 28 October 2013
The Global Slaughter of Christians and the Silence of the American Church
Posted by sharia unveiled on September 27, 2013
Posted in: Uncategorized. Tagged: Christian, Christian Persecution, Islam, islamic, Israel, Jewish, Jews, Jihad,Koran, Muhammad, muslim, muslim brotherhood, Obama, OIC, Persecution, Qur'an, Sharia, Sharia Law, terrorism,The Global Slaughter of Christians and the Silence of the American Church, Women. 35 comments
Nigeria: A Mass Burial of Christians Murdered by Muslims
Christians are being singled out and massacred from Pakistan to Syria to the Nairobi shopping mall. Kirsten Powers on the deafening silence from U.S. pews and pulpits.
by, Kirsten Powers | The Daily Beast
Christians in the Middle East and Africa are being slaughtered, tortured, raped, kidnapped, beheaded, and forced to flee the birthplace of Christianity. One would think this horror might be consuming the pulpits and pews of American churches. Not so. The silence has been nearly deafening.
As Egypt’s Copts have battled the worst attacks on the Christian minority since the 14th century, the bad news for Christians in the region keeps coming. On Sunday,Taliban suicide bombers killed at least 85 worshippers at All Saints’ church, which has stood since 1883 in the city of Peshawar. Christians were also the target of Islamic fanatics in the attack on a shopping center in Nairobi, Kenya, this week that killed more than 70 people. The Associated Press reported that the Somali Islamic militant group al-Shabab “confirmed witness accounts that gunmen separated Muslims from other people and let the Muslims go free.” The captives were asked questions about Islam. If they couldn’t answer, they were shot.
In Syria, Christians are under attack by Islamist rebels and fear extinction if Assad falls. This month, rebels overran the historic Christian town of Maalula, where many of its inhabitants speak Aramaic, the language of Jesus. The AFP reported that aresident of Maalula called her fiance’s cell and was told by member of the Free Syrian Army that they gave him a chance to convert to Islam and he refused. So they slit his throat.
Nina Shea, an international human-rights lawyer and expert on religious persecution,testified in 2011 before Congress regarding the fate of Iraqi Christians, two-thirds of whom have vanished from the country. They have either been murdered or fled in fear for their lives. Said Shea: “[I]n August 2004… five churches were bombed in Baghdad and Mosul. On a single day in July 2009, seven churches were bombed in Baghdad… The archbishop of Mosul, was kidnapped and killed in early 2008. A bus convoy of Christian students were violently assaulted. Christians… have been raped, tortured, kidnapped, beheaded, and evicted from their homes…”.
Lela Gilbert is the author of Saturday People, Sunday People, which details the expulsion of 850,000 Jews who fled or were forced to leave Muslim countries in the mid-20th century. The title of her book comes from an Islamist slogan, “First the Saturday People, then the Sunday People” that means, “first we kill the Jews, then we kill the Christians.” Gilbert wrote recently that her Jewish friends and neighbors in Israel “are shocked but not entirely surprised” by the attacks on Christians in the Middle East. “They are rather puzzled, however, by what appears to be a lack of anxiety, action, or advocacy on the part of Western Christians.”
As they should be. It is inexplicable. American Christians are quite able to organize around issues that concern them, yet this appears to not be one that has grabbed their attention, despite worldwide media coverage of the atrocities against Christians and other religious minorities in the Middle East.
It’s no surprise that Jews seem to understand the gravity of the situation the best. In December 2011, Britain’s chief rabbi, Lord Jonathan Sacks, addressed Parliamentsaying, “I have followed the fate of Christians in the Middle East for years, appalled at what is happening, surprised and distressed… that it is not more widely known.” “It was Martin Luther King who said, ‘In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.’ That is why I felt I could not be silent today.”
Wolf has complained loudly of the State Department’s lack of attention to religious persecution, but is anybody listening?
Yet so many Western Christians are silent. In January, Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA)penned a letter to 300 Catholic and Protestant leaders complaining about their lack of engagement. “Can you, as a leader in the church, help?” he wrote. “Are you pained by these accounts of persecution? Will you use your sphere of influence to raise the profile of this issue—be it through a sermon, writing or media interview?”
There have been far too few takers.
Wolf and Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-CA) sponsored legislation last year to create a special envoy at the State Department to advocate for religious minorities in the Middle East and South-Central Asia. It passed in the House overwhelmingly, but died in the Senate. Imagine the difference an outcry from constituents might have made. The legislation was reintroduced in January and again passed the House easily. It now sits in the Senate. According to the office of Sen. Roy Blunt (R-MO, the sponsor of the bill there, there is no date set for it to be taken up.
Wolf has complained loudly of the State Department’s lack of attention to religious persecution, but is anybody listening? When American leaders meet with the Saudi government, where is the public outcry demanding they confront the Saudis for fomenting hatred of Christians, Jews, and even Muslim minorities through their propagandistic tracts and textbooks? In the debate on Syria, why has the fate of Christians and other religious minorities been almost completely ignored?
In his letter challenging U.S. religious leaders, Wolf quoted Lutheran pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who was executed for his efforts in the Nazi resistance: “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”
That pretty well sums it up.
Friday, 25 October 2013
Lance Lambert’s Middle East Update for October 2013
By Lance Lambert.. This is Lance Lambert speaking, and this is my Update for October 2013. The world scene continues to be grim. It is good to know the Lord in all that is happening. Flood and fires, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and terrorism claiming so many lives in different places. For instance, Nairobi, Kenya, 67 dead; in Pakistan, a whole assembly of Christians, 80 dead, in one week 132 dead in Pakistan; in Nigeria, 50 students shot whilst they were sleeping, just to name a few of the incidents. A few weeks ago here in Israel, we celebrated the new Jewish year of 5774. This is the year of the red moons, beginning the first day of Passover and the first day of Sukkot. We face whatever it all means with the Lord, and we remember the Scripture in Isaiah 26:3-4 – “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace (in Heb. shalom-shalom) whose mind (or imagination) is stayed (or fixed) on thee, because he trusteth in thee. Trust ye in the Lord forever, for the Lord, even HaShem, is an everlasting Rock.”
I will read a few more Scriptures – in Psalm 121:3-8, those wonderful words – “He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber. Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. The LORD is thy keeper: the LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand. The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night. The LORD will keep thee from all evil: he will keep thy soul. The LORD will keep thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and for evermore.”
To that I would like to add in the prophecy of Zechariah, Chap.12:1-4 – “The burden of the word of the LORD concerning Israel: Thus saith the LORD, who stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man within him. Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of reeling unto all the peoples round about, and upon Judah also shall it be, in the siege against Jerusalem. And it shall come to pass in that day that I will make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all the peoples: all that burden themselves with it shall be sore wounded, and all the nations of the earth shall be gathered together against it. In that day, saith the LORD, I will smite every horse with terror, and his rider with madness: and I will open mine eyes upon the house of Judah, and will smite every horse of the peoples with blindness.”
Lastly I would like to read yet another Scripture in Psalm 20:1-5 – “The LORD answer thee in the day of trouble; the name of the God of Jacob set thee up on high; Send thee help from the sanctuary, and strengthen thee out of Zion; Remember all thy offerings, and accept thy burnt sacrifice; Grant thee thy heart’s desire, and fulfil all thy counsel. We will triumph in thy salvation, and in the name of our God we will set up our banners.”
In this Update I will seek to cover the following matters: What is the crux of the problem? What is the heart of the matter? What lies at the root of the problem that we have in the Middle East, and in particular, in relation to Israel? Then I want to speak about the Middle East and the so-called ‘Arab Spring’. Thirdly I would like to speak about the condition of Israel at present, and the so-called Peace Talks between Israel and the Palestinians. And finally I will talk about Sukkot, which we have just celebrated, and its essential meaning.
WHAT IS THE CRUX of the matter? Please remember that these Updates are about Israel and the Middle East in particular, and Israel and the world in general, IN THE LIGHT OF GOD’S WORD. They are not merely a news update of Israel and the Middle East and the world – it is to do with the light of God in His Word helping us to understand the Middle East and the world situation as regards Israel. Is the Word of God truly and in reality God’s Word? Or is it a jumble of ancient records put together to justify a particular people’s history, records that could have been tampered with to make them more amenable to a particular people? Is it therefore a mixture of God’s Word and man’s input? If it is that, we have to sort it out & seek to rectify it. Where it is politically incorrect, we must bring it up to date and make it politically correct. Where it involves customs of the ancient world, we must make it more up to date, more contemporary, more in line with modern thought. We must bring it up to date and make it politically correct. Where injustices have been done as a result of what many would call the ‘so-called word of God’, we must rectify those injustices.
In my estimation, the Bible is the Word of God Himself. Of this Word, which lives and abides forever, I have been born of God. His Word, by the Spirit of God, leapt out of the book and into my darkened soul, creating living faith, and I was born of God. So were most of you who hear my voice today. It was the same Word of God which created the universe and this planet on which we live. We are told in the Gospel of John that “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God…” And it goes on to say: “All things were made through him…” that is John 1:1-4. If we who have been redeemed and born of God are witnesses to the reality of God’s Word, so also is the presence of Israel in the Middle East, an incredible and solid evidence of and witness to the authority, the inspiration and the relevance of God’s Word. This Nation twice exiled through sin & twice returned to its original homeland – the first time for 70 years, the second time for nearly 2,000 years – is unique. There is no other instance of it in world history. And through it, God is speaking.
Consider Jeremiah 31:10 – “Hear the word of the LORD, O ye nations, & declare it in the isles afar off, & say, ‘He that scattered Israel will gather him, & keep him, as a shepherd doth his flock.’” And again, in Isaiah 11:10-12 – “And it shall come to pass in that day that the root of Jesse, that standeth for an ensign of the peoples, unto him shall the nations seek: & his resting place shall be glorious. And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord will set his hand again the second time to recover the remnant of his people, that shall remain, from Assyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathros, and from Cush, and from Elam, and from Shinar, and from Hamath, and from the islands of the sea. And he will set up an ensign (a banner) for the nations, & will assemble the outcasts of Israel, & gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.”
Israel is an ensign. Now, for those of you who do not live in a kingdom, an ensign normally flies wherever the king or queen is resident, which means that Israel is a sign of the presence of God in world history. The promise to Abraham & to his seed still stands inviolate, no matter what people say, including some churches. Those who bless them will be blessed, & those who curse them – the two Hebrew words are different, though in English we have only one word, a ‘curse,’ but the first ‘curse,’ to demean, belittle, devalue or negate; but those who do that will be ‘cursed’ – & that is a strong word, a terrible word of judgment. The Almighty has chosen Israel, as yet unsaved, as the powerful evidence of the simple fact that His Word is HIS WORD.
It is therefore unthinkable to dismiss the covenants which God has Himself made. Those covenants are eternal, everlasting covenants, so described. To dismiss earlier covenants & to keep the covenant spoken of in Ezekiel, the new & eternal covenant which God had promised He would make with His own is ridiculous. Abraham & his seed, through Isaac, not Ishmael; through Jacob, not Esau – God made covenant, a covenant which is eternal. In Psalm 105:7-11 it says – “7 He is the LORD our God: His judgments are in all the earth. 8 He hath remembered his covenant forever, the word which he commanded to a thousand generations, (by the least reckoning, 40,000 years) 9 The covenant which he made with Abraham, & his oath unto Isaac, 10 And confirmed the same unto Jacob for a statute, to Israel for an everlasting covenant, 11 Saying, ‘unto thee will I give the land of Canaan, the lot of your inheritance.’” (ASV)
The Almighty has chosen Israel, as yet unsaved, as the powerful evidence of the simple fact that His Word is HIS WORD. If we dismiss these covenants, we bring judgment upon ourselves & upon our nations.
The division therefore of the Promised Land into two states, seemingly living side by side in peace & love, will bring untold trouble to all who lend their hand to it. Mark carefully my words – it does not matter who, whether the President of the United States, or the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, or their Foreign Secretaries, or any other national leader – it is a blatant rejection of God’s Word & the covenants He made with Abraham. The fact that He has brought back this people from the ends of the earth to their homeland, to the very land from which they were exiled, & has defended them in every one of the ten wars since the founding of the State in 1948, speaks volumes.
And there is much more to come. See how Zechariah, prophesying concerning the last stages of world history, some 2,600 years ago, spoke of the siege against Jerusalem, & expressly stated that the Almighty Himself will work miracle after miracle for Israel in that phase of history. Hear the Apostle Paul’s words in his Roman letter, inspired by the Spirit of God – Romans 11:28-29 – “28 As touching the gospel, they (the Jewish people) are enemies for your sake: but as touching the election (that is, the fore-ordinate power & counsel of God), they are beloved for the Patriarchs’ sake. 29 For the gifts & the calling of God are irrevocable.” (ASV) There is no way you can get round that simple clear Word in the New Testament.
The real crux then of the whole situation in the Middle East, & increasingly, in the Western world, is the authority, the reliability & the relevance of God’s Word. It will become clearer & clearer that this is the heart of the matter.
Many look upon the Bible as people look upon Shakespeare – unbelievable genius, with gems of insight, but still only humanly inspired. It can be ignored or negated in the quest for peace. Moreover it should be underlined that many Jews in the Diaspora, & also in Israel itself, hold this view & do not believe that the Bible, in its entirety, is the Word of God Himself, & that covenants recorded in it, are binding or even relevant to the 21st Century. They can be changed, or brought up to date, or made more politically correct.
Some Israeli leaders, & prominent Jewish leaders in the Diaspora, fall into this category. Such leaders tend to believe that peace is more important than territory, & that any sacrifice to obtain that peace is worth it. If these views become actions, judgment will also fall on Israel.
Is this sought-for peace really peace? I say it is not, not while Satan exists. It is ‘Peace, peace where there is no peace.’ Witness what has happened – when we withdrew from South Lebanon, what did we get? We stabbed the Christians – who had gathered in the south of Lebanon for safety from their Muslim neighbours – we stabbed them in the back, and we have now got Hezbollah, the most weaponized militia in the Middle East. Witness what happened in Hevron – we gave Hevron back, and Hevron now is a hotbed of problems. We gave back Gaza, & we have had 50,000 missiles or rockets since.
We need therefore to pray that God will have mercy upon us. I remember the Scripture that I, & those with me in my home in Jerusalem, often stand upon – it is in Psalm 33:10-11 – “the LORD brings the counsel of the nations to nought (now Nought is NOUGHT! zero!); & makes the strategies or devices of the peoples to be ineffectual. 11 The counsel of the LORD, that shall stand fast for ever, & His strategy to every generation.” (ASV) I believe that we can stand upon that Word in prayer, that God will bring all these suggestions & manipulations of the various nations to nought – He has done it again, & again, & again, & He will do it again.
NOW LET ME SAY SOMETHING about the Middle East & the so-called ‘Arab Spring’. A new wind blew through the Middle East last year. It was dubbed by the world media – the ‘Arab Spring’. It seemed that a new era was dawning, with the promise of democracy & social uplift, a spring that would lead to a glorious summer. It is now being dubbed by many in the Arab countries, the ‘Arab Autumn’ leading to an ‘Arab Winter’. In Egypt for instance, the Muslim Brotherhood, led by Morsi, won the election by a narrow number of votes, & he became President. It soon became clear that he was imposing a totalitarian system on all Egypt. He took huge powers to himself, spoke of imposing Sharia law on the whole country, & spoke of Jerusalem as the spiritual capital of Egypt.
The result was predictable. Coptic Christian churches were burnt down or vandalized, Coptic Christians, & other Christians, were murdered. According to one rumour, a Coptic Christian young man was crucified in front of Morsi’s home. The result of all this was huge demonstrations for & against President Morsi. Then the Egyptian Army stepped in, took on the Muslim Brotherhood, deposed and imprisoned President Morsi, and arrested a whole number of Muslim Brotherhood leaders. There is little doubt that the majority of Egyptians are supporting the army & its actions.
What is extraordinary is the fact that there is a complete misunderstanding of the Middle East nations on the part of the Western nations. President Obama, in his foreign policy matters, has gone from disaster to disaster, first backing Egypt & urging them to get rid of Mubarak, & openly supporting Morsi. Now the United States is in a fix as to what to do – & particularly Obama. He cannot very well openly admit that he has made a colossal mistake. The US Government and many of its leaders then backed an immediate cessation of all funds to the Egyptian army, as well as much else. It was not only the United States which took this stand, but also the United Kingdom & the European Union. Then amazingly – it is hard to believe – Saudi Arabia stepped in with $12 billion for the Egyptian army. They obviously were going to replace what the Americans were not going to give.
The fact of the matter is simple – many of the oil sheikhdoms, as well as Saudi Arabia, have little or no time for the Muslim Brotherhood. They fear it, & saw its victory in Egypt as a disaster. At the present juncture, the Muslim Brotherhood has been declared by an Egyptian court a banned organization. It is interesting that there was not a single Arab country in the Middle East that did not ban the Muslim Brotherhood. It was banned in Iraq, Syria, the Yemen, Egypt, and Tunisia – everywhere – for the simple reason that the governments of those countries feared its revolutionary character.
The truth again is simple. Democracy in the Western nations developed over centuries, & went through many changes until it finally reached its final form. It is impossible to foist democracy upon nations with no previous experience of it. When I heard all the noise made by Western leaders over Morsi’s deposition, I could not help but think of Adolf Hitler, who used democracy to destroy German democracy, & impose a totalitarian system on Germany, with all its bitter & evil consequences.
THEN I COULD SAY SOMETHING ABOUT Syria. There is the Syrian situation with 150,000 Syrian citizens killed, & millions of Syrian refugees destabilizing neighbouring countries, such as Iraq, Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan et cetera. And it must also be said that there are millions of Syrians displaced, without homes or jobs, in Syria. The Syrian situation is dangerous to a degree, with rebel factions fighting each other, as well as Assad’s regime. The Russian plan to destroy all of Syria’s chemical weapons must be good for the Middle East. It is however fraught with enormous dangers.
A Syrian general who has defected to the West, said that Bashir Assad will NEVER surrender all his chemical weapons. He says that there are certain areas & locations in Syria where these weapons are stored & have not been exposed.
LET ME SAY SOMETHING ABOUT Tunisia. Tunisia has also known much trouble. That election was won by what was dubbed by the world media a ‘moderate Islamist party’. Since then two prominent Tunisian Opposition leaders have been assassinated & there has been much unrest in Tunisia. Tunisia was always understood to be the most moderate of the Arab nations, & it was in Tunisia that the so-called ‘Arab Spring’ began.
One could also mention Libya – there has been a breakdown of law & order in Libya; Lebanon, divided with much death, & trouble & fighting; the Yemen – the same condition – all of whom have seen much trouble & unrest.
THEN, IN SPEAKING ABOUT THE Middle East, I have to mention Iran. Iran has a new President, Rouhani, who has set about to give Iran a new face to the world. His ‘charm offensive’ has certainly affected the United States, the European Union & the United Kingdom. Nevertheless, underneath all the smiles are the same clerics, who rule Iran with an iron fist. Iran’s nuclear ambitions remain the same, & notwithstanding Rouhani’s claim, the nuclear program progresses whilst the nations dither. It cannot be too long a time before we awake to a testing of a nuclear device. This will change the Middle East. Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates are all as apprehensive as Israel of what is happening in Iran.
Let me say something about the present condition of Israel. In the midst of the Middle East, in what many have called a tough neighbourhood, Israel remains amazingly calm, considering the circumstances. It is true that when Syria threatened action against Israel, there was a run on gas masks, to a point where the government ran out of them. Nevertheless, Israel has remained poised.
The dangers however, are all too real for Israel. Zechariah speaks of the siege against Jerusalem, when prophesying about the last stages of world history, & speaks of miracle after miracle, which the LORD Himself will work for Jerusalem & Judah. Each promised, divinely worked miracle is introduced by the words – “in that day.” You will find them in Chapter 12 of Zechariah, verses 3-4, 6, 8, 9-11, & in Chapter 13:1.
There is in my mind, no doubt that we are passing into this period prophesied by Zechariah some 2,600 years ago. We see all the scenery being set in place – the Muslim Brotherhood is in all the nations around Israel. It cannot but augur evil, since the Muslim Brotherhood & militant Islam believe in the final elimination of Israel.
Furthermore, there is an alarming growth of anti-Semitism in the Western nations, & even in the denominational churches. This anti-Semitism will influence national policies of those nations in regard to Israel, ending in boycotting goods from Israel, in sanctions, & a refusal to support her in any way; and in the end, in actual conflict.
It will be then that the LORD will arise to fight for Israel & defend her. There is NO WAY you can eliminate Israel, any more than you can eliminate God the Almighty, or His Word. It has been Satan’s goal from the beginning, to remove & to negate the LORD & His Word – negate the LORD & His Word from the whole universe. That goal includes the redeemed of the LORD, Israel, & the true & living Church. He will fail.
The so-called Peace Talks between Israel & the Palestinians – in the midst of all this conflict & mayhem, Israel & the Palestinian Authority have been conducting Peace Talks. So great has been the conflict in the Middle East that those Peace Talks have hardly been mentioned. Seemingly they have had to take a back seat. But so far there has been little progress.
It is hard to see how anything approaching genuine peace could be reached, especially with what lies in the constitution of the Muslim Brotherhood, & indeed of Militant Islam anywhere. Mahmoud Abbas is looked upon by the world at large as a moderate man, a man with whom Israel could make peace. However, behind those looks there is another man. He obtained his Doctorate with a thesis denying the Holocaust; he insists that not a single Jew will be allowed to live in the State of Palestine – it will be Jude free; he will allow no Israeli presence in the Jordan Valley, & he insists on dividing Jerusalem. All this, with the return of all Palestinian refugees – some 6 million of them – is the death knell of any durable & lasting peace.
Nobody could tell me that this Palestinian state will not become a larger Gaza, with rockets & missiles & everything else. If Israel were to agree to this, it would be the end of Israel. Mahmoud Abbas wants the destruction & elimination of Israel as much as Iran, Hezbollah, HAMAS & the Muslim Brotherhood – only, they all want it with one single blow, he wants it by stages. The aim is the same; the manner in which it will be achieved, different. PRAY for the true & genuine peace of Jerusalem.
FINALLY, LET ME SAY something about Sukkot. We have just kept the Festival of Sukkot for the seven days as decreed in the Word of God, when all the fruits of the land have been gathered in. For seven days we are commanded to dwell in booths, to remember all the way that the LORD led us through the Wilderness & into the Promised Land.
For all those forty years the LORD provided manna every day, & on the sixth day a double portion, covering the Sabbath. He provided water from a Rock which followed them in all those years, & a change of diet from time to time with quails. He led them in a pillar of cloud by day, & a pillar of fire by night. Their sandals did not wear out, nor did their clothes, and they not suffer any of the diseases of the Egyptians. The journey could have taken some two weeks; instead, it took forty years. A whole generation died through unbelief. But a new generation, with the living faith of Joshua & Caleb, went over into the Promised Land, & by faith inherited it.
Sukkot is to remind us that the LORD NEVER FAILS. He always finishes what He begins. He always fulfills His purpose. Let me read to you two verses at the very end of the Bible – interesting really, it’s at the end of the Bible – first of all at Revelation 21:6 – “And he said unto me, ‘They are come to pass. I am the Alpha & the Omega, the beginning & the end.’” (ASV) And then in Revelation 22:13 – “I am the Alpha & the Omega, the first & the last, the beginning & the end.” (ASV)
Sukkot is therefore filled with joy, it is filled with the certainty that what God has planned & purposed, He will complete. With genuine expectancy we can therefore face the future. If we will follow Him with faith & obedience, He will neither fail nor forsake us, & we will not fear nor be dismayed by all that faces us.