Monday 21 October 2013


UK: Convert To Islam Suddenly Has Uncontrollable Urge To Attack And ‘Kill Non-Believers’

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In the minds of Islamists, by not converting to Islam and instead behaving in ways contrary to the Sharia non-Muslims are essentially telling Mohammed that they don’t believe in “Allah” and the Qur’an. And that is downright insulting to the “prophet” …
Qur’an: Sura 4:89, “They wish you would disbelieve as they disbelieved so you would be alike. So do not take from among them allies … seize them and kill them wherever you find them …”
By Hugo Gye, Mail Online – “A convert to Islam today admitted attacking non-Muslims in East London as part of a campaign against Western culture.
Jordan Horner was part of the ‘Muslim Patrol’ which wandered around Tower Hamlets late at night threatening people for drinking beer.
The group said they wanted to ‘kill non-believers’ and said they would stab revellers, as well as uploading YouTube videos in which they criticised non-Muslims for what they were wearing.
Horner, 19, was previously jailed for six weeks after telling photographers gathered outside hate preacher Anjem Choudary’s house that they could end up like murdered soldier Lee Rigby.
In the early house of January 6 this year, Horner and others apparently approached a group of five men walking along the street then snatched cans of beer out of their hands before emptying them into the gutter.
The ‘Muslim Patrol’ is alleged to have said: ‘Why are you poisoning your body? It is against Islam. This is Muslim Patrol. Kill the non-believers.’
One then told another to ‘go get the shank [knife]‘, but as the men walked away Horner threw punches at them, hitting one in the jaw.
He is also alleged to have threatened two couples and a man in East London between December and January.” Read more.
Flashback: UK: Muslim Cleric On Islamic TV Channel Tells Followers Muslims Have ‘A Duty To Kill’ Anyone Insulting Mohammed – “A television channel has been hit with a large fine after broadcasting a speech by an Islamic scholar who said Muslims had ‘a duty to kill’ anyone who insulted the prophet… Ofcom’s report cited a programme called Rehmatul Lil Alameen which was broadcast on October 9 2011, and which featured a live lecture which it said was ‘likely to encourage or incite the commission of crime or to lead to disorder’.” Read more.
Flashback: UK Magazine: Forget About ‘Islamophobia’ Let’s Tackle Islamism, ‘It Is Time To Unfold The Lie’ – “Unfortunately, when it comes to the ‘Religion of Peace’ many still attempt to create a dichotomy of ‘good Islam’ verses ‘bad Islam’ when, in reality, all of Islam is inherently destructive. Sure, there are many Muslims who are peaceful, but they are not peaceful because of their religion. They are peaceful in spite of it. If Europe and the West as a whole were truly serious about tackling ‘Islamism’ they would need to tackle Islam itself, but that is something that an intellectually and politically atrophied West will never have the willpower to do. Until it is too late …” Read more.

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