Verse of the Day

Deuteronomy 28:43,44 The stranger that is within thee shall get up above thee very high; and thou shalt come down very low. He shall lend to thee, and thou shalt not lend to him: he shall be the head, and thou shalt be the tail.


This is now how America looks to the rest of the world
This is now how America looks to the rest of the world
The curses of God are now all falling on America. The nation is religiously, morally, politically and economically bankrupt. It is no coincidence that the church is powerless, America has killed 60 million babies, “marrying” homosexuals and $17 trillion in debt. It all goes together to show how corrupt the nation is.
I fully expect the US economy to blow apart during Obama bullying Israel over Jerusalem or some national homosexual event. These events might happen simultaneously, when the final collapse happens. The severe judgments like Hurricane Katrina happened during simultaneous events. We will be able to easily make the correlations. It will be too late for the nation.
America is now built on lies deceit, delusions, and debt. When God busts the debt bubble, all is coming unglued and down. It has to be close. Next Spring is the big push against Israel to divide the land. This could be a very bad time for America.
In the remaining time, we look to Jesus and do not fear. Please work for the Lord and preach the gospel and win souls. What else counts as all the curses are closing in on America? I provide the Prophecy Packet as a witnessing tool to use. Please send for it and use it to bring glory to the Lord Jesus in the time remaining.
Ephesians 5:15,16 See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.
May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.
Proverbs 18:10 The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.

Israel and the Middle East War

Israel’s Final Warning on Iran 10/07/13 Obama made it clear that Israel is on its own. Obama is looking to appease Iran and a way out of a confrontation. With America’s debt at $17 trillion, how could we finance a war? A war would destroy the nation’s economy overnight. How far is Israel going to let this go?
“With no military threat, Iran has no incentive to stop its nuclear progress. Iran might well conclude that the sanctions could disappear in the course of endless rounds of diplomacy. No one in Israel seeks war, but a central tenet of its own defense doctrine is that Israel cannot depend on any external power to deal with existential security threats.”
Hamas calls for ‘popular uprising,’ praises recent terror attacks 10/19/13 The Hamas covenant calls for death to Israel along with no compromise.
Merkel urges Netanyahu to restrain settlement construction 10/18/13 Starting in 2014 watch for Europe to really come against Israel to divide the land. Watch for awesome judgment on Europe.
Mideast quartet seeks Israeli, Palestinian action by 2014 09/28/13 This means God will respond with enormous pressure on these nations starting in 2014. As the pressure mounts to divide Israel and Jerusalem, God will match it with judgment. I have a feeling that God will deal with the world economy at this time.
America’s Delusion
Girls Threatened With Hate Crime Charges For Complaining About Transgender Bathroom Harassment 10/14/13 This was so predictable, but it came SO fast! The reprobates want to crush all opposition and are threatening female students, who complained about a sexually confused male that used their bathroom.
Notice how once the reprobates are in authority, they move to crush all opposition and destroy freedoms. They used our freedoms to get in power and then turn to crush all opposition. This is why I refer to them as Hard Left Fascists. They are in an all-out war with us, but the vast amount of the church are asleep. We defeat them with the Lord, but the church will not repent and cry out to God!
These people live under a delusion and it is getting worse. There is more of this on the way, as the Holy God of Israel has turned the nation over to the reprobates and their delusion.
“Initial complaints about the transgender student’s behavior towards the girls were made by their parents, who were told by the school that the boy’s transgender rights trumped the privacy rights of their daughters.When the female students continued to complain about the harassment, the school threatened to kick them off the athletic team or even hit them with hate crimes charges if they didn’t stay silent
 The Pacific Justice Institute sent a letter to the school warning them against prioritizing transgender rights over the privacy rights of female students.“We’re not going to stand by and let 99.7 percent of our students lose their privacy and free speech rights just because .3 percent of the population are gender-confused,” the letter stated.
 The school so adamantly sided with the transgender student that officials even suggested the girls give up access to most of their restrooms altogether,”
NJ Top Court Rules Gay Marriages Can Begin on Monday 10/18/13 The power is now in the hands of the reprobates. There is no such thing as “homosexual marriage” as it is a modern invention of a reprobate mind that rejects God and, in fact, despises God and anyone who believes in Him. Look how easily New Jersey surrendered to the Hard Left. Was there a whimper from the church? Are there Christians and a church left in New Jersey? Where were the pastors?

Hard Left

GOP-Leadership-Backed CR Funds Reg Forcing Christians to Act Against Faith

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GOP-Leadership-Backed CR Funds Reg Forcing Christians to Act Against Faith 10/17/13 There is very little pro life conviction in the Republican Party.
Obama: The Muslim Brotherhood President 10/10/13 Only by a sovereign act of God could a man like Obama become the president.
“The State Department announced Wednesday that it was cutting hundreds of millions in military and other aid to Egypt, and make no mistake: this was not a government shutdown move. This was the President of the United States blackmailing a sovereign state to force it to restore the Muslim Brotherhood government he favors. With the Egyptian economy in crisis and Egypt strongly dependent on this aid, Obama has just effectively cast his vote for the Muslim Brotherhood’s return to power – and his vote outweighs that of millions of Egyptians.”
Middle East Report Translated, Declares that “Barack Hussein Obama IS A Muslim Terrorist!” 09/30/13 Take the time to listen, and if only half of it is true he is part of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Here’s the answer: There is no question. There is categorically a movement to normalize pedophilia. I’ve witnessed it firsthand and, despite “progressive” protestations to the contrary, the “pedophile rights” movement is inexorably linked to the so-called “gay rights” movement.
Two years ago I – along with the venerable child advocate Dr. Judith Reisman – attended a Maryland conference hosted by the pedophile group B4U-ACT. Around 50 individuals were in attendance, including a number of admitted pedophiles (or “minor-attracted persons,” as they euphemistically prefer).
Also present were a few self-described “gay activists” and several supportive mental-health professionals. World renowned “sexologist” Dr. Fred Berlin of Johns Hopkins University gave the keynote address, opening with: “I want to completely support the goal of B4U-ACT.”


Inviting CAIR to Church 09/30/13 Long, long ago this “church left the Bible and the God of Israel. Now God is turning them over to be merged with Islam. They will join Islam in its rebellion against God.
“The Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations is an official interfaith partner of the Islamic Society of North America, CAIR’s fellow unindicted co-conspirator and U.S. Muslim Brotherhood entity. It is also a member of the ISNA-allied Shoulder-to-Shoulder interfaith coalition.CAIR has a list of treasured interfaith friends and is sure to flatter them with honors at fundraising events. A number of these friends have provided quotes for CAIR’s website.Rev. Dr. Bernice Powell Jackson, pastor of the First United Church of Tampa and President of the North American region of the World Council of Churches, gave CAIR an award in 2011.”