by Fred DeRuvo

I have been teaching parts of the book of Daniel at my church on Sunday evenings. The purpose is to expose people to God's unfolding plan of redemption and we see that clearly through the various empires that come and go during what is known as the "Times of the Gentiles."
As most are aware, Nebuchadnezzar had a dream (Daniel 2) and he not only wanted his counselors to tell him what the dream meant, but also wanted them to tell him what he had dreamed! Only Daniel could do it and he was able to do it because God gave him the ability. He was quick to point out that he himself did not have the ability, but it came from God.
The dream turned out to be of a statue that highlighted the various sections in different metals. Each metal represented a different empire and period of time. The head of the statue (gold) was Babylon. The chest and arms (silver) represented the Medo-Persians. The belly (bronze) pointed to the Grecian Empire. The legs (iron) represented Rome. The final empire - the feet and toes (clay and iron) represents the last Gentile empire that will exist just before Jesus returns physically.
As I mentioned to the adults in attendance for my Daniel studies, it all sounds weird. Here we are in 2014 and we don't think in terms of a world dictator anymore. While we know that there are dictators in the world today, the idea that there is someone who would have the power and ability to take over the entire world is something most have a hard time swallowing. Yet, this is what the Bible tells us will happen.
In fact, I believe the world is moving toward that time right now, guiding by Satan as he works through the Global Elite - people he has placed in power and given them incredible wealth - in order that his will might be accomplished. Of course, it needs to be understood that Satan can only bring to fruition the things that God allows.FULL ARTICLE AT
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