Ancient Evidence For Giants
Taylor found parts of about 30 or 40 mastodons and mammoths in West Texas– an area that is quite dry now, but when these creatures were alive must have had a lot of foliage to support their herds. In contrast to Darwinists, he’s found evidence that man & dinosaur lived at the same time. Further, some dinosaurs still exist in the Amazon jungle, according to witness testimony, he reported. Taylor doubts the accuracy of scientific dating systems such as carbon-14, which can estimate the age of artifacts up to 50,000 years old. He cited that carbon-14 is found in dinosaur bones which are supposed to be millions of years old. He also contended that the Earth is only around 6,000 years old, and that methods of estimating the age of the planet such as through limestone formations are faulty.
Joe Taylor is the owner and curator of the Mt. Blanco Fossil Museum. While studying to become a commercial illustrator Joe volunteered at the La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles which sparked his desire to find out the truth about fossils. Today he is one of the nation’s foremost fossil restorationists and his work is sought out by individuals, museums and other institutions in this country and abroad.
Fallen angel is a concept that is typically synonymous with a wicked or rebellious angel. As the actual term fallen angel is not found in either the Hebrew Bible or the Deuterocanonical Books or the New Testament, biblical commentators use this term to describe angels who sinned or angels cast down to the earth from the War in Heaven, Satan, demons, or certain Watchers.
Main article: 1 Enoch
A Jewish myth of angels coming down to earth rather than being cast down, referred to as the myth of angelic descent, is found chiefly in the Jewish pseudepigraphic Book of Enoch, 6-9 and the Qumran Book of Giants and perhaps in Genesis 6:1-4. The angels in question were Watchers who were inveigled by the beauty of human women, had intercourse with them and corrupted mankind. They were the prime instigators of the sinfulness that led to the Great Deluge. This myth was adopted by early Christianity, but abandoned by Rabbinic Judaism and later Christianity. During the period immediately before the rise of Christianity, the intercourse between these Watchers and human women was often seen as the first fall of the angels.
In esoteric and occult teachings, Giants are real beings who live on spiritual, etheric and physical planes of existence. Giants were a popular theme in theosophical literature, Atlantis, lost continents and later the earth mysteries movement of Britain in the 1970s.
The concept of giants was discussed by the theosophist and occult author Madame Blavatsky who wrote about the existence of giants in her book The Secret Doctrine connecting them to her theory of root races and claiming they correspond with Hindu cycle of the universe. According to theosophists ape-like giants were the third root race who lived on the continent of Lemuria. Theosophists also linked giants to the Atlantean race.
Ahu Tongariki near Rano Raraku, Occultists and Theosophists claim the stone structures were built by a race of giants.
Madame Blavatsky claimed that the Easter Island stone structures were built by the fourth root race, a race of giants. She also claimed due to the size of Buddhas of Bamiyan in Afghanistan they had been built by giants measuring 60 feet tall. Blavatsky linked the Polynesian peoples as the very earliest survivors as a “sub-race” of the fourth root-race, due to the Polynesian people being “a higher stature than the rest of mankind”.
Watcher (Aramaic, עִיר, iyr; Theodotian trans: ir; from the verb ur, “to watch”; Heb. er, “being watchful”; Gk. ἐγρήγοροι, trans: egrḗgoroi; Slav transliteration, Grigori, “Watchers”, “those who are awake”; Chaldean, “guard”, “watcher”) is a term used in connection with angels. Watcher occurs in both plural and singular forms in the Book of Daniel, where reference is made to them being holy. The Apocryphal Books of Enoch refer to both good and bad Watchers, with a primary focus on the rebellious ones.
Published on Dec 2, 2012 by DiscloseTruthTV
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