- Consensus From The Financial World: Inflation kicking in and the administration will probably go forth with unlimited debt ceiling in the new year. Meanwhile, it looks like
Bernanke will be announcing the monetizing of the treasury notes. They can no longer sell the short duration note to buy the long duration note. This was called operation twist. Going forward, the feds will be buying pretty much all (90%) the long duration note. We no longer have foreign countries interested in buying our debt.
- Simple Synopsis: The price of goods and services will go up at alarming rates. Utilities, foods, gas, water, everything will soar. We do not know when hyper-inflation will strike, but it is coming. Revelation speaks to the cost of bread, oil and wine costing a days wage. Most today earn about $35,000 a year on avg. that's about $104 dollars a day. Expensive for these items... I think you'll agree.
Also Obama wants to raise taxes and do nothing about spending. This will cause unemployment to go up because it is a recipe for disaster and businesses will not hire. Obama Care also fuels this fire.
Because China isn't buying our debt any longer, we could see a collapse of our dollar and this would signal an evaporation of wealth. When you hear of people like Donald Trump moving outside of the U.S.A., along with his wealth, this will signal we are on the verge of an economic meltdown. Lots to pray about here!
- Syria has weaponized their sarin gas stock piles. We could see them use this poisonous gas on their people. Assad is running scared and is contemplating finding exile in one of a few places. Venezuela, Cuba or elsewhere in the ME. If he gases his people the world body will condemn him and the U.S. and it's allies will probably bomb the depots that hold the gas.
The U.S. has a fast reactionary division in the ME now ready to take Assad's gas out of Syria. Is the U.S. building up this story in the media to be more than it actually is, no one can know for sure. We do know however, Syria does have sarin gas and if cornered Assad may use it. We don't know what could bring about Isa. 17, the destruction of Damascus, however, this is worth watching.
- Time will tell how this develops but it is serious. Whenever a crazed animal and that is how I define Assa of Syria, is cornered, there's no telling what he will do. Hence, this is a real threat to watch. If he tries to do do what Saddam did in Iraq back in the 80's, all bets are off.
Let's summarize where we we're at right now:
- Israel and Jerusalem are surrounded by very dangerous enemies. Check Zechariah 12 off the list. Done and in process of full - fulfillment. Check...
- Abbas of the PA want to take over Jerusalem. Check Zechariah, Malachi and Obediah off the list. The world is fully drunk over the notion of dividing Israel. Oh yes, Joel 3:1-3 in process now. Check...
- As Syria contemplates using sarin gas on their people or against Turkey or Israel, we have an opening developing where the Muslim Brotherhood may be able to takeover power in Syria. Jeremiah 30-31 in process because this helps to set the stage for the Tribulation, Time of Jacobs Trouble time period. Check...
- The U.S. has now successfully tested an EMP bomb that we might use against Iran. I have been making mention in our previous reports and on Facebook about why we haven't just EMP'd Iran by now. Well now we may be seeing why the world has not blown up Iran's nuke facilities to date. Looks like we had something else we have been working on. This is a BIG development. We can't forget that the U.S. economy is teetering on a full out collapse. If you understand finance, then you know what I have just said is not an alarmist view, it is true! Check...
So, in summary, the Bible is right on target and it looks like the Lord's plan to bring judgement to an unbelieving world and to bring His people, the Jews, to Himself, is coming together with amazing detail and power. When the signs are so easy to see that the people of Israel begin making mention of the scriptures that are being fulfilled, all of us should pay close attention, because I believe, this is a signal from God that His return for His Bride is very near!
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