Thursday 13 December 2012


Breaking News: Syria's Chem Weapons, Israeli IDF and North Korea

We are briefing you today on what is transpiring in Syria, Israel and North Korea. All sources are below along with a video that summarizes in 10 minutes these events.
Let's start with Syria. From all of our sources it looks like Syria has weaponized some of it's Sarin gas inventories and equipped their "scud -D" missiles with Sarin warheads for use against the rebels that are attempting to take over the Damascus International Airport. We are also hearing that Assad of Syria has moved some of his chemical weapons to Lebanon so that Hezbollah would have easier access to them against Israel. It should be noted as well that Assad would not hesitate to use his chemicals against Israel should he feel cornered.  [Source File: Syria Chemicals - DebkaFile]
Because of these developments Israel has now issued quick acting antidotes for their soldiers that may be in the line of fire if chemicals are used. The events of the last few days has the EU, USA and Israel spooked and very concerned.
[Source File: IDF Chemical Weapons Antidote]

If this wasn't enough to convince the skeptics that the times we are living in are indeed the "perilous" times that the book of Timothy outlined, then maybe this will do the job for them.
North Korea has successfully gone into space and now has a satellite in orbit. Now if you know anything about North Korea, one of their "big" ambitions, bigger than feeding the starving citizens they have, is to be able to deliver a nuclear bomb or an EMP bomb to the west coast of the USA. It looks like the next step for North Korea is the testing of their nuclear capability. Wonderful isn't it? Let's all send out a big hearty thank you to Mr. Obama for doing such a great job of protecting us from our enemies that seek our destruction! Thank you Mr. President for nothing... 
[Source File: North Korea Rocket Launch | What's Next Nuke Testing? Reuters]

As I watch the events that are taking shape all around us, I'm not feeling so warm and cozy lately... What about you? The days we are living in are indeed the days that the book of Timothy warned us about. The days are in fact very perilous. You know they are bad when those who do not know a lick of the Bible are saying, "we live in dangerous and crazy times." 
Yes my friends the days are perilous but we do not have to allow them to make us afraid. Christmas is on the horizon and this time of year should remind us of one thing that we have that no one can take from us and it is this:
1 John 4:4
You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.

Video: 10 Minute Prophecy Update
Ties it all Together



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