Sunday 8 July 2018

Ignore Iran Because The Caspian Sea Shows That If There Is A Threat It Is Going To Be The War Between Russia And Turkey!!

Ignore Iran Because The Caspian Sea Shows That If There Is A Threat It Is Going To Be The War Between Russia And Turkey

In On Your Majesty’s Secret Service, the world’s most famous spy, James Bond, commented on the flavour of the caviar, in which he noted, “Royal Beluga, North of the Caspian.” Caviar, which are the eggs of the Sturgeon fish and her ichthoyd cousins harvested from either the Black or Caspian Seas, are world famous.

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The Destruction Of The Middle East

Some of my thoughts on the devastation of the Middle East: 

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Muslims Attack Christian Converts From Islam In Greece, Threaten Them With Knives And Pour Gas On Them While Shouting “Infidel”

Muslims savagely attacked a group of Christian converts from Islam at a refugee camp in Greece. According to reports they beat them, threatened them with knives and poured gasoline on them while shouting “infidel”: Iranian Christian converts were brutally attacked by a Muslim mob at a refugee camp in Greece last week as police stood by. 

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