Tuesday 13 November 2012


All Aboard the Tribulation Express The 2012 general election has been an absolute disaster. Barack Hussein Obama managed to convince the American people to allow him stay around for another four years, Tammy Baldwin is elected the first openly gay senator, Maine and Maryland became the first states to approve same-sex marriage, and voters in Colorado and Washington legalized recreational use of marijuana. The prize for most idiotic voters would have to go to the people living in Michigan's 1st District. They elected Brian Banks, who has been convicted eight times for felonies involving bad checks and credit card fraud. Banks, a Democrat, won his seat in a landslide victory, grabbing 68 percent of the vote. His slogan was “you can bank on Banks.”   Romney lost the election because of two key reasons: First, as he correctly noted in a secretly recorded talk with donors, 47 percent of the American population are dependent on government handouts, and they voted for whoever offers the best goodies. "There are 47 percent who are with [Obama], who are dependent upon government, who believe they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you name it." – Mitt Romney Ohio was a Key state in the election, and over a million people in that state have free government phones. One woman in Baltimore has 30 of them. Since they are commonly called Obama phones, it is a given that their vote would go to their benefactor. Second, as our nation has drifted away from biblical values, it has become easier for the forces of darkness to influence the minds of people. God warned that those who did not follow his guidance would be given a "reprobate mind" in Romans 1:28.   The failure to understand the workings of the spiritual dimension is the reason why pundits like Rush Limbaugh, Dick Morse, Glenn Beck, and Karl Rove were totally blindsided by the election loss. Many of the people who voted for Obama have no idea why they find him so appealing. When you have a mind of Satan, a $1 trillion-a-year deficit, high unemployment, and a disastrous foreign policy don't matter. The politicians we have chosen reflect who we are as a nation. TrimTabs' Charles Biderman gave one of the best summations of the election: "My guess is that Mr. Obama and his close buddies have no idea what they are doing, or else they would not be doing what they have been doing. The most dangerous are those people who think they are smarter than they are." What has me the most concerned about a second term for Obama is what will happen when our nation's reckless spending catches up with us. If Romney was elected as president, I would have only given us a 10 percent chance of avoiding a crash. With Obama continuing on, we have nearly a 100 percent chance of collapsing into bankruptcy. Even the most conservative projections have Obama adding $6-8 trillion to the national debt.   I received numerous emails from people who were furious over Obama's reelection. Many of them were angry at God for allowing this to happen. I would caution anyone who is mad at the Creator. Obama may sit in the Oval Office because of evils such as greed, slothfulness, and idolatry, but God is the one who placed him there. Wicked nations are given equally corrupt rulers that cause their downfall. Since Obama was doing such a fine job, I see no reason the task would be given to a lesser skilled person. There is already talk about who will be running for the 2016 race. I think it is premature to be planning for the next presidential election. We might not have a democratic system by the time we reach the next race. If there isn't mob rule, the job will likely be far less appealing.   The night of the election results, Terry and I agreed that we had shifted into a more rapid pace for end-time prophecy progression. We've passed a point where every Christian should take extra measures to separate themselves from the things this world. Because Bible prophecy warns that it is all downhill from here, we should expect the downward spiral to increase with each passing month. To all my friends who are wondering if they can survive four more years of Obama. I would question whether we as Christians have that much time left on earth. "For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words" (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18). Todd (From Rapture Ready website).

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