Thursday 14 March 2013




ROME TIME - 8.13PM ON THE 13TH OF MARCH 2013, 3 x 13!!!!! FOR FRANCISCO.1.


Today, 3/13/13, on the 5th vote, (a new record for fast-selection) the Catholic Church appointed their new pope.  His name is not Peter or any form thereof.  Thus, not Petrus Romanus, which renders St. Malachy a false prophet.  Period.  End of question.
The announcement of the pope also was initially released at US time 3:13pm.
Let’s dissect some things.

3+13+13= (3+3+3+1+1)=11 (when you add up each of the individual digits). 11 is a sacred number of the Illuminati and occult.  Also 3+13+2013=13, another sacred occult number.  Another way occultists would combine these numbers 3, 13, 13, would be to add together the two 1′s (1+1=2) and that leaves you with three 3′s, and then multiply them as such:  2×333=666.  This is not me, just playing around and manipulating numbers.  These are real “calculations” which any occultist or former occultist can tell you they do use and hold sacred because of the power they invoke.  That is possibly why the Bible tells us to calculate “the number of the man” rather than giving us a name to look for.  You can calculate the number, knowing satanists/occultists are notorious for assigning numbers and calculating them.  It is a huge clue to the identity.
This calls for wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast.
So in occult and Illuminati circles the date and chosen time for important announcement is always significant.  It is an invocation of power.

We know that the Bible correlates 666 to the antichrist and his coming short-lived reign.  The number 6 (alone) denotes man in the Bible.  (Man created on 6th day).  There are a handful of Christians who have done extensive study of Bible Numerics.  Not the same as numerology, which the Bible forbids, and which Occultists embrace.  Pastor Mike Hoggard is one of those and he just did an excellent and extremely thorough study of the scriptural significance of the number 7 and has done lots of other videos about the various numbers.  Find his blog by searching, or simply his name in any search engine or my own search box on the blog will lead you to videos of his that I have posted here in the past.   He’s everywhere, YouTube, WordPress, Vimeo.  BlipTV just shut down anyone on there who is preaching, so if you land on one of those in my blog, you will find it unavailable.

Ok, back to it….
5 is also a very sacred number to the occult and Illuminati.  (Pentagram! ‘Nuff said.)
In the Bible, (Isaiah 14:13-14) we see Satan’s sworn oath to do 5 things:  You (Satan) said to yourself:” I will ascend to the heavens; I will set up my throne above the stars of God. I will sit on the mount of the gods’ assembly, in the remotest parts of the North. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
If you don’t know about the Jesuits, you can read about them at the following link: The Order of the Jesuits 
The Jesuits are the core of the Illuminati, and they have always had the goal and purpose of bringing in the New World Order.  The Jesuits pre-dated and originated the Nicolaitins (which thing God hates). Nico means to subdue, laity is “the people”.  The whole power of the Catholic church to kill and persecute Christians and others, arose from this policy/practice.  By having the scriptures only in Latin, and only the priests were allowed to learn Latin, the Bible was not accessible to the general laity.  Therefore they became subject to whatever the church leaders told them was true, which is why they venerate Mary (a practice not condoned or taught in scripture.  The laity became subject to the Popes and Cardinals and all that hierarchy in the Catholic church, which gave the church tremendous power, and even political power.  The Jesuits embrace Liberation Theology (essentially the “social gospel” of doing good works to earn your sanctification, focusing on the poor and down-trodden like Mother Theresa did.  She is in hell now because works don’t save you).

If you dig into Illuminati, Jesuits, and Freemasonry, you will find many symbols in common, as well as oaths.  You’ll see associations with the Skull and Bones and many of our presidents and other men (and a few women, like the Queen of England) in high and powerful positions.
This is a very general article to shed light on the significance of these various bits and pieces and how they correlate.  I am not an expert on any of it, but have read and studied and heard enough to know the date, the time, and the fact this is the Catholic Church’s first Jesuit pope were very significant.  Wanted to give you the heads up so you can keep eyes and ears open for more info on  these “incidentals”.  Pope Francis is slated to be installed on the 19th, while of course, Obama will go to Israel on the 20th, to initiate the process of re-affirming the (pre-existing but never executed or enforced) covenant initially devised by Yitzhak Rabin in 1993 and based upon two (pre-existing but never executed) UN Security Council Resolutions, (338, adopted in 1972, and 242, adopted in 1967).  When Obama goes to Israel, one of the sites he plans to visit is the grave of Yitzhak Rabin, most likely as a symbol of his agreement with this “Covenant with many” which will at some point be confirmed by the AntiChrist.  Obama has already stated he doesn’t plan to finalize the peace agreement, but to merely achieve the crucial step of getting both sides to mutually and offically agree on the two-state solution, with an eye towards having it all hammered out and finalized by the end of 2013 or very early 2014.

One final thought: Just today Netanyahu finally pulled together his government.  What if this coalition crumbles like the last one? What if  yet another round of elections must take place? It might be a good idea to look into who is waiting in the wings.  Who ran against him this last time and who are the up-and-comers among Israeli politics just now?  Many prophecy scholars look for the Antichrist to be a Jew.  Say Netanyahu agrees to the preliminary stages of this thing, then loses his post, a new Prime Minister arises, who “has no regard of women or the gods of his fathers”.  Hmmmm.  He would fit the bill as the AC.
Just something that occurred to me this night, thought I would throw it out there at you.  I know how a lot of people are sure the AC will be a Muslim based on how the Islamic Eschatology lines up and mirrors Biblical prophecy.  But remember, Satan is the father of lies and author of confusion and master counterfeiter.  He will not only offer a counterfeit Messiah, but if it serves his purposes, he could also have reason to offer up a counterfeit antichrist.

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