Ariel Sharon Has Died, Late Jewish Rabbi Said Messiah Would Return After Former PM’s Death
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Former Prime Minister of Israel, Ariel Sharon, has died. One of the Jewish world’s most revered religious leaders, Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri, claimed just before his own death in 2006 that he was visited by the Messiah. According to Rabbi Kaduri, he was told that the Messiah would not return until after the death of Ariel Sharon. Kaduri also wrote a note revealing the name of the Messiah that was not to be opened until one year after his death. In 2007 the note was opened, spelling out Yehoshua as the name of the Messiah. The name of Yehoshua is theophoric (bearing the name of God) and is the longform version of the Hebrew name of Yeshua (which means “salvation”), or Jesus in English. According to some, “Yehoshua” also means “YHWH’s Gift” …
Matthew 1:21, “She shall bring forth a son. You shall call his name Yeshua, for it is he who shall save his people from their sins” (HNV).
Romans 6:23, “… the free gift of God is eternal life in Messiah Yeshua our Lord” (HNV).

In 2007, Kaduri, the most famous rabbi in Israel’s modern history, at 108 years old, left a cryptic death note revealing the name of the long-awaited Messiah. Within a year after the rabbi’s death, the note was reported to have been verified as authentic by some of Kaduri’s closest followers and then placed on Kaduri’s own website.
The purported Kaduri message proclaimed that Messiah’s name was Yehoshua, or Jesus.
It shocked the religious world.
Shortly thereafter the furor began. The note immediately disappeared from Kaduri’s website. The media refused to report further on the matter.
The Kaduri family, and several others close to the Kaduri ministry, began to claim that the note was a forgery or a mere fabrication – a cruel joke.
Gallups, an American pastor and former police officer, used his detective skills to piece the mystery together in ’The Rabbi Who Found Messiah: The Story of Yitzhak Kaduri and His Prophecies of the Endtime,’ a book and movie combination that has reignited the controversy surrounding his prediction about the Messiah and Sharon.
Chuck Missler, founder of Koinonia House ministry, says that in the book, Gallups ‘explodes one of the biggest bombshells of our lifetime. The implications of these astonishing declarations from the most venerated ultra-orthodox rabbi in Israel impacts every one of us – not just those of the traditional Jewish faith. This is a must-read for anyone who takes God seriously.’
‘The only prophetic utterance of Kaduri concerning Ariel Sharon was that Messiah, would not appear until Ariel Sharon had died,’ said Gallups. ‘Within a little over two months after speaking these prophetic words Sharon was in a coma and Kaduri himself died.’
The Kaduri prophecy did not name a specific time or date in which Messiah would be revealed — only that it would not happen until after Sharon had died.
‘Many who have examined Kaduri’s prophecy have interpreted the urgent feel of it to mean that Messiah might appear very shortly after Sharon’s death,’ said Gallups. ‘This sense of urgency was strengthened by the fact that for several years prior to his death, Kaduri made several pronouncements of Messiah’s imminent return.’” Read more.
Flashback: Religious Jews In Israel: Only Messiah Can Save Israel During Gog-Magog, ‘The Next Leader Will Be The Messiah’ - “On one of Israel’s largest websites Ynet a yellow banner with large letters appeared on Saturday proclaiming the coming of the Messiah. ‘The Messiah is in Israel. This will be the last government of Israel.’ A click on the banner leads directly to the website 871. Here, the religious creators of the site warn about the end of the world. ‘The next leader will be the Messiah Ben David. The situation in the country is getting worse and the government will become more incapable. Only the Messiah can save Israel during the war of Gog and Magog.” Read more.
Flashback: Jewish Rabbi Reveals The Name Of The Messiah
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