Amazing ‘Hand Of God’ Appears After Supernova Explosion
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Psalms 19:1, “The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork.”
Interesting pareidolia. It may only be the remnants of an exploding star, but it does almost looks like a hand that is reaching out to grasp, oh, say, a crown of thorns. It even looks like there is a “wound” in the wrist area of the hand. According to CARM, when the Romans crucified their victims, the nails “were driven through the wrists between the radial and ulna bones and not through the palms since the nail would have ripped through the palm because the palm could not withstand all the weight of the body” …

A cloud that formed after a star exploded has been nicknamed the Hand of God by NASA astronomers. The object is a pulsar wind nebula. (Photo: NASA/JPL-Caltech/McGill)
The Toronto Sun – “NASA scientists have nicknamed a cloud that developed from an exploding star the Hand of God because of its shape.
The cloud is a pulsar wind nebula and is fuelled by the leftover, dense core of a star that blew up in a supernova explosion. The particles are interacting with magnetic fields around the material, causing it to glow with X-rays.
‘The result is a cloud that…looked like an open hand,’ NASA said on its website.
‘One of the big mysteries of this object is whether the pulsar particles are interacting with the material in a specific way to make it look like a hand, or if the material is in fact shaped like a hand.’
There is a second red cloud near the ‘fingertips’ of the Hand of God cloud. Astronomers think the pulsar’s wind is heating this cloud, causing it to glow.” Source – The Toronto Sun.
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