Tuesday 7 January 2014


Will the Kenyan conman in the White House finally be exposed? Alan Franklin tells of new developments.

If you check this website by putting in words like "Obama" in our search engine, top right, you will see that ever since I heard of him, I knew that Obama was a fraud. Nobody - NOBODY - spends millions of dollars fighting lawsuits trying to get you to produce a simple document like a birth certificate if they have nothing to hide. Getting a driving licence requires you to produce such a document. Yet the fraudster in the White House has got away with bending the constition at every turn, purely because the liberal media fawns on him.
If there were any real reporters left - and I include those at the Fox network - this shyster from Kenya would have been exposed years ago. Very serious people, including a senior former office holder in the Democratic Party, are among those who do not believe Obama has any right to stand for office, let alone prance around signing executive orders at every turn. This means, of course, that when the USA and media world finally wake out of their stupor, all the laws Obama has signed will have to be declared void. That also applies to his illegal appointments.
As regular readers know, I spent many years as a reporter before becoming an editor, then publisher and author. I do not think it would be very difficult to prove the world's greatest fraud that led Obama to high office. You just gather the facts, interview people and sift the evidence. Even without trying, we have found interesting information proving that Obama could not have legally stood for office, just by talking to people on our travels. There is a stack of anti-Obama evidence out there.
The main organisation that still carries the fight, while Big Media tucks into expense account lunches and awards itself prizes for investigative journalism, is The Tea Party. Here is their latest story. Everyone should read it. The truth matters, never more so than when a dangerous, deluded melagomaniac is running the world's most powerful country. Here's the story:

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