Radical Jihadists Publicly Crucify Syrians!
“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil…” (Isaiah 5:20)

Shocking new out of Syria this week reveals that Islamic extremists have begun crucifying its enemies on crosses in public squares.
Recently, two men were who were prisoners of the jihadist Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) were executed by crucifixion in northeastern Syria. The ISIS, which for the last year has took control of the town of Raqqa, has been killing off its enemies still remaining in the city and have been tearing apart historical relics.
If this news wasn’t bad enough, the Al-Qaeda backed jihadists are even taking to Twitter, publishing pictures and live-tweeting the crucifixions.
One image that appeared on a jihadist Twitter account showed a Syrian man, bloodied, hanging from a cross. A young Syrian boy looks on at the dead man’s body. The caption of the image read, “One of 7 people executed by ISIS in Raqqa today on charges of planting IED’s.”

Messages of congratulations quickly flooded in, with the original Tweeter thanking jihadist followers and even joking, “lol became new false jesus.”
Ibrahim Alrquaoi, a Syrian dissident and founder of the organization Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently, spoke to Fox News and said, “It’s very dangerous. They threaten us directly and want to kill us.”
“They [ISIS] want to stay in control. Everything they do is to scare people,” Alrquaoui said. “That’s why they kill people publicly.”
Previous reports out of Syria have proven that jihadists are employing violent and horrifying means to punish and kill off its enemies. Stories of point blank assassination, rape and torture are becoming all too common when it comes to the civil war raging on in Syria.
Since the start of the civil war in March 2011, more than 150,000 people have died.

Read more at http://www.breakingisraelnews.com/14454/radical-islamists-syria-publicly-crucifying-enemies/#pPuOMJp6Y34uWKKQ.99
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