David Alton On Islamic Persecution: The West Is Sleep-Walking Into A Tragedy With Implications Beyond The Middle East
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If he’s not careful, this British politician could find himself arrested, too …
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Acts 14:22, “… continue in the faith … we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.”

Reports of religiously-motivated atrocities against Christians appear almost daily but the West, including some Christian leaders, seems to be in a state of denial.
Persecution in Nigeria, Syria, Pakistan, Indonesia, Sudan, Iran, Egypt and many other countries is relevant to us and by denying it, the nature and intensity of the suffering is minimised.
The West has to challenge a conspiracy of silence surrounding religious persecution.
Religious illiteracy among policy-makers in Western nations has led to serious mistakes in how conflicts in the Middle East are viewed. Those same mistakes could have consequences in our own back yard.
Article 18 of the 1948 Declaration of Human Rights was fashioned in the aftermath of the annihilation of millions of Jews in Nazi concentration camps in the Second World War (1939-1945). It states that, ‘ Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.’
But where is Article 18 in Syria, where Christians, some fleeing persecution in neighbouring Iraq, have been caught in the cross-fire and targeted by radical Islamist groups?
In Blue Nile and South Kordofan, the mainly Christian population suffers daily bombardment by the Sudanese government.
In Nigeria, 29 students were murdered by the terrorist group Boko Haram in their hostel in February 2014. Fifty more died in Boko Haram bombings in Maiduguri days later.” Read more.
Flashback: Sen. Rand Paul Shames Media For Ignoring Islam’s ‘Worldwide War On Christianity’ – “Senator Rand Paul noted in a speech today at the Values Voter Summit that ‘Pew Research did a poll and it indicated that 21% of Egyptians, 15% of Jordanians … 13% of Pakistani Muslims find terrorism acceptable, if not laudable… [I]f you add up the numbers in just three countries it’s over 40 million Muslims [who] sympathize with violence against Christians. This shouldn’t be understated.’ And indeed, if between just 10% and 13% of Muslims all across the Muslim world are devoted enough to their ‘prophet’ and to Islam, that’s about 200 million antichrist soldiers ready to raise the banner of jihad for the cause of ‘Allah’ and his ‘prophet’ against a world of non-Muslims. Where have we heard that number before?” Read more.
Flashback: ‘Time Is Running Out’: US Congressman Asks Why Churches In The West Are Silent On Worldwide Christian Persecution – “Congressman Frank Wolf, who has been a champion of human rights, is hard pressed to understand why U.S. churches are silent when it comes to advocating for persecuted Christians. The Republican Virginia rep. specifically called out big-name pastors such as Rick Warren and John Piper for their non-activity, especially at a time when Christians and other religious minorities in Syria and Egypt are at greater risk for persecution.” Read more.
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