Friday 12 August 2016


MegaPastors and MegaChurches - J.L. Robb -
Is the megachurch of today the same as the church of yesterday? Does the megachurch teach the same message as the church of yesterday? Does having more members mean having a better church? 
When I was in grade school, the classes were small. The student to teacher ratio made learning easy, which is why they did it for children. In high school the classes got larger but only a little. The big deal for private schools was the low teacher - student ratio. Apparently the larger the crowd, the lower the learning level. Everyone knows one-on-one teaching is the best teaching.
As a child, most churches were smaller in nature. There were the big churches, and there were the really big churches; but there were few megachurches. Everyone knew everyone, there were church socials and picnics; and the church was the focal point for social gatherings. It is difficult to socially gather with 15,000 people. It would be a heck of a picnic; it would be huuuge.
My how things have changed.
With megachurches and megapreachers, there also comes megabucks. A friend and I, a pastor, were discussing this subject a few months ago; and he said to me, "So do you think it's wrong for preachers to make good money?"
Did Jesus make good money? Did Jesus live in a $2 million home? Did Jesus drive a Mercedes?

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