Saturday 6 August 2016


This Shroud of Darkness - By Don McGee -
This planet and our country are at the point of being fully enveloped in a dark shroud the likes of which has never been seen. This is more than the general breakdown of social stability that has been around since the beginning; it is a heavy, sinister evil that has not only grown exponentially of late, but is unstoppable by even the most noble of human efforts. Christians are soon to be removed from this world, but those unsaved who will be left behind will see and experience a kind of evil that no mortal can imagine. Something far worse than the Egyptian plagues.
Consider some things about the Exodus of God's people from their slavery in Egypt and you will see. Just before Moses led the people of Israel out of Egypt over 1400 years BC he dealt with a similar kind of darkness, only it was on a local level. In fact, this darkness was the final of 9 plagues that God sent upon the land of Egypt just before He sent a final plague which might more accurately be called a judgement. You recall it was this judgement that finally, though only temporarily, broke the stubborn will of Egypt's Pharaoh thus allowing God's people to leave the land of their suffering. The entire account of this event is found in Exodus 7ff with the heavy darkness being described in chapter 10.     
The saga began when Moses went to Pharaoh and told him God said to let His people go. Pharaoh refused, so miracles and plagues were sent in succession with the later plagues causing the Egyptian monarch to relent only to change his mind once the plague ceased. After nine such miracles and plagues God had enough of the king's vacillating and finally sent a judgement whereby the first born of both man and beast, including Pharaoh's family, died that Passover night.

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