Monday 12 May 2014


Jihad, The Church and the New World Order

   by Jeannette Haley
Copyright © 2013. Gentle Shepherd Ministries. All Rights Reserved.
As everyone knows, America was shocked without warning out of its smug complacency on Tuesday, September 11. Since that time, countless voices have been heard giving different perspectives for the reason behind this unspeakable act. Blame has been cast on Satan, God, Islam, specific terrorist organizations and/or the CIA. One popular voice in Christendom hatefully cast the blame solely on abortionists, homosexuals and women libbers. But, who is right?
Before we take a closer look at this subject, I need to make it crystal clear that we who make up Gentle Shepherd Ministries are patriotic Americans to the core. Our hearts and prayers go out to all of the victim’s families, rescue workers, America’s leaders and others whose lives have been dramatically affected by these unspeakable horrors.
The goal of this article is to sift through all of the many voices and endless confusion to hopefully bring at least some measure of truth. Without truth neither the American people nor the church will be able to arrive at the right conclusions that are critical to decisions regarding the future survival of both. The Prophet Isaiah could be describing the times in which we live when he wrote, Isaiah 59. Verses 14- 15 read, ” And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter. Yea, truth faileth; and he that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey: and the LORD saw it, and it displeased him that there was no judgment.”
A careful analysis of the varied viewpoints listed above in paragraph one reveals a grain of truth in each of them. There is no doubt that Satan, as the god of this world, never ceases to cause destruction and ruin to all mankind including God’s magnificent creation. Even non-Christians have knowledge that Satan represents all that is evil.

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