SCROLL DOWN FOR NEWS LINKS AND VIDEOS: A former Malaysian Prime Minister has accused the CIA and Boeing of a massive cover-up concerning what really happened to flight MH370. He says that in 2006, Boeing received a US patent for a system that,
“once activated, removes all control from pilots to automatically return a commercial airliner to a predetermined landing location. The “uninterruptible” autopilot would be activated – either by pilots, by onboard sensors, or even remotely via radio or satellite links by government agencies like the Central Intelligence Agency, if terrorists attempt to gain control of a flight deck.” Here is the link to this jaw dropping revelation. What we have here is that the CIA in conjunction with Boeing developed a patent that if a plane was ever hijacked they were able to gain control of the airplane. Add to the fact that the last release audio recording of MH370 was edited and now we have a full blown conspiracy on our hands. NBC reports,
"It's very strange," said audio-video forensic expert and registered investigator Ed Primeau of Primeau Forensics, who has analyzed hundreds of audio recordings. He said the beginning and end of the recording are high-quality with a low noise floor, meaning ambient background noise is almost silent, unlike the middle. "At approximately 1:14 (a minute, 14 seconds into the audio, which can be heard here), the tone of the recording change to where to me, it sounds like someone is holding a digital recorder up to a speaker, so it's a microphone-to-speaker transfer of that information. That's a pretty big deal because it raises the first red flag about there possibly being some editing,”. NBC reported this tidbit of a bombshell .
Was Audio Of Missing MH370 Edited?
What does this all mean? Is it possible that the plane was hijacked on the ground by a sophisticated nation? Not long ago I posted an article that AWACS could have escorted the plane. That may not be far fetch after all. Watch video and read this article to see why the possibility of AWACs escorting and hijacking the plane may be true
What Conspiracy?
It looks like the mother of all conspiracies just took place. Someone somewhere knows what has happened to that plane. The MH370 saga will continue until the truth is revealed. Please pray for the missing passengers and their family. Thank you for visiting These Christian Times and God Bless You.
CHEDET BLOG: 1. What goes up must come down. Airplanes can go up and stay up for long periods of time. But even they must come down eventually. They can land safely or they may crash. But airplanes don’t just disappear. Certainly not these days with all the powerful communication systems, radio and satellite tracking and filmless cameras which operate almost indefinitely and possess huge storage capacities.
- I wrote about the disabling of MH370’s communication system as well as the signals for GPS. The system must have been disabled or else the ground station could have called the plane. The GPS too must have been disabled or else the flight of MH370 would have been tracked by satellites which normally provide data on all commercial flights, inclusive of data on location, kind of aircraft, flight number, departure airport and destination. But the data seems unavailable. The plane just disappeared seemingly from all screensREAD MORE:
DAILY MAIL ONLINE: Missing Flight MH370 did not crash and its current whereabouts may be know to the Central Intelligence Agency and the Boeing aircraft company, Malaysia's influential former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad has claimed.
Dr Mahathir said the plane could have been switched onto autopilot remotely by the CIA if it had been hijacked.
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