Tuesday 25 March 2014


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Alien Deception – Jim Garrow

About this time - last year - I started hearing about a grand alien deception that was coming. The article that came out of that discovery was this one:
It’s still bizarre to me that anyone would treat such an idea seriously. But, a large portion of our Euro-American civilization has come to believe that aliens from outer space really do exist. In fact, more Americans believe that Aliens have visited Earth than believe that Jesus is God (or at least, the Son of God).
Since my article on aliens in April of last year, I have kept my eyes open for more stories on this. And, I was a bit surprised to find that Jim Garrow had something to say about it.
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Alien Deception – Jim Garrow

I have a profound respect and admiration for Jim Garrow. I believe him to be a sincere brother in Christ, and I consider him to be an honest source of information. The fact that he has been a field officer for the Central Intelligence Agency, adds a lot of weight to what he has to say.
This doesn’t mean that everything that he says is true. He’s human, which means that he has the capacity to make mistakes. Furthermore, his own sources of information could be lying to him – or THEIR sources, etc.
This means that I don’t treat everything that he says as if it were rock-hard evidence. I do some checking first. I try to find other places where he’s said what he’s saying, to try and find out as much of the whole story as possible. And then, I try to dig up other trustworthy sources.
So, when Steve published a link to an interview of Jim Garrow by Bobby Powell of The Truth is Viral, I was immediately intrigued. Here’s the interview:
YouTube shortlink: http://youtu.be/Z78FLx7C4Kc
(By the way, please pray for Bobby Powell. He is a sincere brother in Christ that has been going through great trials and needs our support.)
You can watch the key part of the interview - at the 29 minute 54 second mark - here:
(This link is fast-forwarded to 29:54)
THAT was astounding.
Another Angle
Then I went looking for another angle to this, and I came across Erik Rush’s interview with Jim Garrow on December 30th, 2013. The part that is germane to this discussion can be found just after the 1 hour 41 minute mark of his December 30th show. I have isolated the relevant segment (11 minutes, 35 seconds long) for you, here:
So, this was something that has been in the works for something like 30 years, and we are now getting close to having it revealed.
Does this sound like something familiar to you?
It Sounds Kinda’ Like the Antichrist
Yeah. It sounds kinda’ like the Antichrist.
When I talked about the Deeper than Deep State on Friday, I also mentioned that there was a level even deeper than that. These Satanists are plotting to deceive the world with their own ‘dark messiah’, and it sounds to me like they are getting ready to introduce him as an Alien savior.
Are you ready for this?
(That’s a link. Do more than just think about it.)
If you find a flaw in my reasoning, have a question, or wish to add your own viewpoint, leave a comment. Your input is truly welcome.

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