Thursday 6 March 2014


JNN News Update March 5th 2014
JNN NEWS, P.O. Box 7411, Jerusalem 91073, Israel

“On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves.” Zech 12:3
OBAMA TO ISRAEL: TIME IS RUNNING OUT: Well know American journalist Jeffrey Goldberg had this to report in the aftermath of an hour long interview in the Oval office with US President Barack Obama: “When Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu visits the White House, President Obama will tell him that his country could face a bleak future - one of international isolation and demographic disaster - if he refuses to endorse a US-drafted framework agreement for peace with the Palestinians. Obama told me in an interview Thursday that he views Abbas as the most politically moderate leader the Palestinians may ever have. It seemed obvious the president believes the next move is Netanyahu's. Obama, borrowing from the Jewish sage Rabbi Hillel, told me his message to Netanyahu will be this: ‘If not now, when? And if not you, Mr. Prime Minister, then who?’ He then took a sharper tone, saying if Netanyahu ‘does not believe a peace deal with the Palestinians is the right thing to do for Israel, then he needs to articulate an alternative approach.’" (Bloomberg/Jerusalem Post)
A BOMBSHELL BATTERING BY OBAMA: The timing of President Obama's interview with Jeffrey Goldberg could not have been any more deliberate - an assault on the prime minister's policies delivered precisely as Netanyahu was flying in to meet with him. At the very least, that might be considered bad manners, poor diplomatic protocol, a preemptive slap in the face: I've just told the world you're leading your country to ruin, Mr. Prime Minister. Now, what was it you wanted to talk to me about? The president's comments reinforce years of grievance that have accumulated in Netanyahu's circles and some distance beyond, to the effect the president ignores the inconsistencies, duplicities and worse of the Palestinian Authority and its leader Mahmoud Abbas, while placing exaggerated blame for the failure of peace efforts at the door of the Israeli government. The president's public display of disaffection will hardly encourage the Palestinians to adopt more flexible positions on such core issues as their demand for a "right of return" for millions of Palestinians to Israel. The president's resort to an interview on the eve of their talks to issue near-apocalyptic warnings to Netanyahu is unlikely to bolster the prime minister's confidence in their alliance. (Times of Israel)
THE PRESIDENT’S THREATS TO ISRAEL: In an extraordinary White House interview President Obama warned Israel and its leader that a failure to "make peace" now with the Palestinians will have terrible consequences. Palestinian rejectionism plays almost no role in the Obaman calculus. The Palestinians, in Obama's view, do not actually need to make changes. Astonishingly, he says, they're ready for peace, overlooking every piece of polling data we have about the opinions of the Palestinians. 60% of the Palestinians reject a two-state solution. They are so eager for peace and coexistence with Israel that they remain the only significant Muslim population that still has a favorable view of suicide bombings, according to a Pew survey. Obama said: "Nobody would dispute" that Abbas is committed to "diplomatic efforts to resolve this issue." Yet in 2008, offered a peace deal by then-Israeli PM Ehud Olmert giving the Palestinians 92-95% of the territory, Abbas basically fled the table and didn't return. (John Podhoretz/Commentary Magazine) Continue to pray for PM Netanyahu during these days of important meetings in the US.  May his resolve regarding Iran and negotiations with the Palestinians be unshaken by US pressure.
OBAMA GETS LECTURE ON PEACE TALKS FROM NETANYAHU IN WHITE HOUSE MEETING: PM Netanyahu met with US President Obama in the Oval Office on Monday, pushing back against pressure from the White House to swiftly cut a deal with the Palestinians as the president warned time was running out for peace. "Israel has been doing its part, and I regret to say the Palestinians haven't," Netanyahu said to Obama, in front of the press. "What we want is peace - not a piece of paper. The people of Israel know that it's the case," he charged. Netanyahu chided his Palestinian counterparts for promoting incessant violence against the Jewish state, adding, "I think it's about time they recognized a nation state for the Jewish people. We've only been here for about 4,000 years. The only peace that will endure is a peace that we can defend," he said. Netanyahu also noted: “The people in Israel expect me to be strong and to withstand pressure” while he is in Washington. "In the 20 years since Israel embarked upon the Oslo peace treaty,” Netanyahu said, “Israel made great efforts to obtain peace – we evicted cities, we freed prisoners, and when you look at what we got in return – you see thousands of missiles on our cities, and suicide terrorists.” Israel’s prime minister advised Obama to place pressure on the Palestinian Authority (PA) if he wants peace talks to progress – not on Israel. (Jerusalem Post/Israel National News)
NETANYAHU TO OBAMA: ISRAEL CANNOT ALLOW NUCLEAR IRAN: PM Netanyahu told President Obama that Israel cannot let Iran get a nuclear bomb and said an end to uranium enrichment is an Israeli demand of any agreement with Iran. “If Iran is prevented from enriching uranium and dismantles fully its military nuclear capability,” Israel would accept the deal, Netanyahu told Obama on Monday when they met at the White House. Obama and US officials have said Iran is likely to be left with a limited enrichment capability as part of any deal. “Israel cannot permit such a state to have the ability to make a bomb,” Netanyahu said. “We just cannot be brought back to the brink of destruction. I as the prime minister of Israel will do whatever I must to defend the Jewish state."(Jerusalem Post)
IRAN CALLS OBAMA MILITARY OPTION ‘JOKE OF THE YEAR’: Iran has mocked US President Obama's warnings that the military option is still on the table to prevent the Islamic regime's nuclear aspirations, calling the threats "the joke of the year."  Iranian General Saeed Masoud Jazzayeri laughed at Obama's recent warnings of possible American military intervention in the Middle East. "The low-IQ US president and his country's Secretary of State John Kerry speak of the effectiveness of 'the US options on the table' on Iran, while this phrase is mocked and has become a joke among the Iranian nation, especially the children," said Jazzayeri. The general added on previous Iranian threats, warning that US forces in the region can be struck by Iran. Jazzayeri claimed the US public doubts Obama's military threats as well; indeed, last Sunday Senator John McCain (R-AZ) slammed Obama for being the most "naive president in history." Republican lawmakers on Sunday warned that Obama is "all talk" on Russia's aggressive actions towards Ukraine.  Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C) commented, "We have a weak and indecisive president that invites aggression." (Israel National News)

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