Iran: We Are Prepared For A Decisive War Against America And Israel, We Have Been ‘Making Plans’
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And those plans evidently involve the use of nuclear weapons. For peaceful purposes, of course …
Hadith, Al Bukhari 4.268, “Allah’s Prophet [Mohammed] said, ‘War is deceit.’”
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In two separate speeches, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei stressed that the main enemy of the revolution was the U.S. and extolled fighting it as the revolution’s central value. He added that the 1979 takeover of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran was ‘an even greater revolution than the first one,’ that is, greater than the removal of the Shah and the seizure of power by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. Khamenei also called on Iranians not to be taken in by the U.S.’s overtures, and not to trust it, because its aim – that is, to topple the revolutionary regime – remains unchanged.
As part of the Iranian regime’s dismissal of the U.S. military threat, many of this year’s Revolution Day marches and demonstrations featured signs bearing the slogan in English, ‘We Are Eager For The Options On The Table,’ – a slogan praised by both Khamenei’s and Rafsanjani’s circles. Moreover, Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) naval commander Ali Fadavi stated that the U.S. would understand Iran’s might when Iran began to sink U.S. warships, with their crews of over 5,000. At the same time, Iranian Navy Adm. Rezai Haddad announced that an Iranian flotilla was en route to the Atlantic for ‘a first approach of U.S. maritime borders’[1] and that this was meant to be a ‘message’ for the U.S [2]
In his Revolution Day message, both Iranian Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan and Iranian Army chief of staff Hassan Firouzabadi stressed that Iran longs for the decisive battle with the U.S., in light of the latter’s threat to use the military option if the nuclear talks fail. In other speeches, government officials stressed that hostility towards the U.S. – ‘the Great Satan’ – would continue even if the nuclear issue were resolved, and that Iran’s smiles at the negotiating table were merely a tactical move aimed at obtaining Iran’s nuclear rights.
Following are excerpts from Iranian government officials’ statements for Revolution Day 2014. (For photos from the demonstrations and marches, see Appendix.)
Iranian Military Officials: ‘The Americans Will Know [Iran's True Power] When Their Warships, With Over 5,000 Aboard, Sink During A Confrontation With Iran’; We Are Prepared With Ballistic Missiles, Swift Boats, And Mines; ‘The Iranian Nation Will Hand Them [The Americans] A Crushing Defeat’
In a February 11, 2014 interview with the Fars news agency, Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan said: ‘The Defense Ministry is working to ensure that the Iranian people are armed and ready to confront any enemy threat. Yesterday’s successful test of Iranian-made ballistic missiles was also a crushing response to the nonsense of the American officials who frequently threaten Iran. It is a clear answer to their military option. The Defense Ministry and the Iranian nation are always ready [for battle], and Iran will welcome it if the Americans again put themselves to the test and face the consequences. The Americans will again be defeated, just as they were in the [1980-1988] Iran-Iraq war. If they implement their nonsense [i.e. their threats], the Iranian nation will hand them a crushing defeat.’[3]
The next day, February 12, Iranian Chief of Staff Hassan Firouzabadi told Fars: ‘Iran is prepared for the decisive war against the U.S. and the Zionist regime.’ He added, ‘Iran has been making plans, conducting maneuvers, and preparing its forces for this battle for years now.’[4]
Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) naval commander Ali Fadavi threatened that in battles at sea, his forces would sink American warships: ‘The Americans can spot swift boats, sea mines, and anti-ship missiles but they cannot grasp axioms such as… ‘God, the Islamic Revolution, and the Supreme Leader [Khamenei].’ On the chest of the IRGC is the [Koran] verse that clearly says that the use of measures against the infidels and the enemies must be promoted. The Americans notice only some of our capabilities; only on the battlefield will they fully internalize the bulk of our capabilities. The Americans will know [Iran's true power] when their warships, with over 5,000 aboard, sink during a confrontation with Iran, and when they have to search the depths of the sea for their bodies.’[5]” Read more.
Iran Nuke Top Dog: ‘Iran Got More Than It Gave’, Its Commitments Are ‘Temporary And Non-Obligatory’ – “Behrouz Kamalvandi: [The West] is trying to achieve, through sanctions and negotiations, what it could not achieve by means of threats. This is obviously impossible… Regardless of what some Western countries think, time is not on their side. They think that since the sanctions are still in place, time is on their side. Undoubtedly, time has been, and will continue to be, in Iran’s favor. They sought to use time to accomplish their goal of curbing our nuclear program. Since they could not dismantle it, they sought, at the very least, to curb it. This never happened.” Read more.
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