Jerusalem, Israel - A rising chorus of Israeli voices is again raising the possibility of
carrying out a military strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities in what appears to be an attempt to draw renewed attention to
Tehran’s atomic program — and Israel’s unhappiness with international negotiations with the Iranians

Israel knows the clock is ticking, and they also know that Obama has no interest in a military option against Iran.
A front-page headline in the daily Haaretz on Thursday proclaimed that Netanyahu has ordered “
to prep for strike on Iran in 2014″ and has allocated 10 billion shekels (2.87 billion dollars) for the groundwork. Earlier this week, Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon hinted that Israel would have to pursue a military strike on its own, with the US having chosen the path of negotiations. And the military chief, Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz, said this week that Iran “is not in an area that is out of the military’s range.”
“The world was in a coma. It has awoken suddenly,” he said of the military-option talk. “Someone has an agenda to bring up this subject again, which has dropped off the agenda in recent months, especially after the deal with Iran.”
Israel believes that Iran is trying to build a nuclear weapon, a charge Iran denies. Israel says a nuclear-armed Iran would pose an existential threat to the Jewish state, citing Iranian calls for Israel’s destruction, its development of long-range missiles and its support for hostile militant groups.
source - Times Of Israel
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