Making Sense of an Apparently Senseless Foreign Policy

The news outlets that are balanced keep replaying the words of Sarah Palin and Mitt Romney, four years apart, predicting Russia’s intentions toward Ukraine. Watching those statements leaves us baffled as to why the mainstream media lampooned them when they accurately and perceptively anticipated Russia’s deviant move.
But let me explain what’s going on. It does make sense if you understand the perspective:
Obama/Clinton/Kerry, et al, represent a segment of society with a worldview that churns the stomach of anyone with a Judeo-Christian worldview. Their worldview was known in the 20th century as “secular humanism.” Now it is called “progressive ideology,” but the only thing progressive about it is its name.
During the 1930s and 40s, that worldview began to invade the church. In 1943, the Archbishop of Canterbury, William Temple, alerted Christendom to the danger, warning that it would result in some churches retaining “Christian values without Christian faith.”
How prophetic was that?
The heart of secular humanism presents an opinion on “man” that directly contradicts the Bible. The Bible clearly shows that after the fall of man in Eden, man became capable of great evil. History offers a long, long list of people that have demonstrated that fact (see: Hitler, Stalin, etc.).
The secular humanists developed an opposite view, however, that man is innately good—and education and enlightenment can even make man very good. In fact, the motto of the American Humanist Association is “Good without a God.” Go figure.
We can now understand why, when President Reagan referred to the Soviet Union as the “evil empire,” the three major American TV networks went apoplectic. His statement directly contradicted their creed. No wonder the State Department tried to have that statement removed from Reagan’s speech (Reagan insisted that it remain).
A recent example of this is MSNBC's Joy Reid, who as a guest on Hugh Hewitt’s radio show, was unwilling to brand either Putin or Assad as evil.
Now that much of our society has moved far away from the biblical worldview of good and evil, it is shocked when it sees evil penetrating the headlines. Evil doesn’t jive with the humanist mish-mash that has been taught for generations.
Obama/Clinton/Kerry, et al, are products of this “Good without a God” ideology. Now, with them in charge of our foreign policy, the most powerful nation is in danger. Under their stewardship, soon we will be a powerful nation no longer.
To them, since there is no evil, all nations and national leaders are good. And America is no better than anyone else. Therefore, America should not have such power, and instead, should lead from behind (if at all). They are bringing the greatest experiment in all of humanity down into the dirty mire that engulfed other great nations in the past.
Those who believe in an all-powerful God who rules the universe can still take comfort. They must keep insisting that there is good and evil, for surely Judgment Day will come and prove them right.
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